Final Marketing Plan

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Final Marketing Plan

Presented to Professor Andrew Porter

Emily Parry
Fall 2015

Table of Contents


Work Plan
Assessment of Strengths and Career Goals
LinkedIn Account
Personal Brand Statement
Elevator Pitch
Cover Letter
Interview Questions
Career Fair Experience
Information Interview Summery
Reflection of 360 Public Relations
Final Presentation Slides

1. Work Plan
o Purpose

The purpose of my internship was to gain experience in a public

relations agency, which was different that any other internship I
have held before. In addition, this consisted of projects I would be
working on and ultimately, a schedule to follow during my fall
semester. By developing a work plan, I was able to better organize
my time, deciding hat I would do and when and the deadline in
which it was to be completed. After one month, I met with my
supervisors and talked about my progress.
o Introduction and Background
I created a work plan help balance school and work together as one.
Because I chose to work at my internship five days a week, it was
important that I made time for homework and myself. In addition,
through the creation of my work plan, I was able to identify
problems areas that could be improved and was also able to build
off of feedback and recommendations from my supervisors after
work projects were completed.
o Goals and Objectives
My goal for this internship was to have an experience completely
different from the other internships I had held. I wanted to do an
internship that I would love as it would be my last internship of my
undergraduate career. My ultimate goal was to find out where I
wanted to be after graduating and getting a real job. My objectives
were to better my writing skills, meet new people, engage with a
variety of clients and learn new programs that I would have
otherwise not gotten to learn.
o SMART Objectives

Specific: My specific goal was to make a positive impact on the

company and not just be another intern. I wanted to benefit the
entire population of the office by doing my work in a timely fashion
while also having my work be high quality.
Measureable: My goals through the internship could be measured
by coverage. For example, I was responsible for sending out a
holiday mailer, complete with samples of PBS Kids toys. From
there, I had to organize any emails that came back from people we
reached out too and see if they ultimately reviewed our product on
their website, magazine or newspaper. These were measurable as I
was able to track them and see exactly how many outlets picked up
the toys as a result of my outreach.
Achievable: My achievable goals were based strictly off of
deadlines. In the PR world, deadlines are an every day thing. I
learned the importance of prioritizing and dropping certain things
that werent as important as other things.
Relevant: My relevant goals ultimately decided in my objectives
mentioned above had an effect on my ultimate goal and strategy.
Because I am still working at 360 and am learning a lot, I do not
know the exact importance of my relevance, however, I believe that
my hard work is paying off and I am being recognized for it.
Time bound: Time bound goals have to do with deadlines and I
learned that when the job is accomplished, you will know, and you

are never fully done with a project until you review and edit it at
least four times.
o Resources
The resources that I needed to achieve my goals and objectives
included both workplace and academic resources. MY workplace
resources included: co-workers, the building and my desk and
materials that I used every day. The resources at school included
access to professors, access to the library and the computer and
o Constraints
The biggest constraint I noticed throughout my internship was my
time. I had no time for myself and I fond my schoolwork lacking. I
know that ultimately school comes first, but because I enjoyed my
internship so much, I didnt ask for time off. There were times were
I was late for class or missed class completely and because of that, I
realize now that my grade is going to suffer. I know that for next
semester I need to manage my time more appropriately and set a
schedule at the beginning of each week, complete with a to-do list
and deadlines.
o Accountability
Throughout the semester, I was accountable for completing each
assignment given to m. However, once I was done, I passed it along
to my supervisor Ali, where she then edited it and gave me
feedback. From there, I implemented her edits and then passed it
on another supervisor, Allison. She would also give me feedback,
where I would once again implement her ides and then pass it along

back to her. Allison had the final say it what was considered finish.
It was a long process but it was a great learning experience as I got
to experience two different supervisors and learned a lot from the
each of them.
o Strategy
After completing my work plan, I know that I can and will use my
resources to overcome my time constraints for next semester in
order to reach my goals and objectives. My ultimate goal upon
graduating is to have a job lined up. As I begin the job search
process, I have done a lot of thinking of whether or not I want to
continue my career at 360 Public Relations. However, after talking
with professors and peers, the pay at 360 is not great and although
the environment and perks are great, I know that I need to be able
to support myself.

2. Assessment of Strengths and Career Goals

I believe that I am a very strong writer that is organized, knows when
deadlines need to be met and has great time-management skills within the
work atmosphere. I believe I am able to multi task efficiently and can get
two things done at once if need be. Because of this, my career goal is to
work in a fast-paced environment with a lot of people. I want to love my
job and I want the people around me to love their job as well.

3. LinkedIn Account

4. Personal Brand
During my junior year of college, when I was trying to figure out what

exactly I wanted to do with my communication minor, I enrolled in a

public relations class with Professor Porter. He encouraged all his students
to check out an agency internship. Looking back on that advice, I dont
know if I would be where I am today without him. So, after giving my
personal brand some serious thought, I decided to go the humorous route
and brand myself as Business major and communications minor that
believes in binge watching your favorite series on Netflix, sleeping in and
eating the last bite even when you are stuffed full.

5. Elevator Pitch
From marketing to social media, I have always enjoyed the process of
learning and growing in the communications field. I am a senior at
Simmons College graduating in May 2016 with a skill set ranging
from Microsoft programs to Cision. My love for public relations and
marketing communications has grown while interning at 360 Public
Relations, Harvard Medical School and completing smaller projects
throughout my time at Simmons. I look forward to continue to grow in the
coming months.

6. Cover Letter (See attached)


7. Resume (See attached)

8. Interview Questions
a. What skills and experiences would make an ideal candidate?
b. What have you enjoyed most about working here?
c. Do you offer continuing education and professional training?
d. What is the next step in the process?
e. Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this
f. Describe the culture of the company.
g. What are the next steps in the interview process?


9. Career Fair Experience

I attended the 2015 Communications and Marketing Careers Information
Exchange event on November 4th. I have attended career fairs before and
similarly, this event was set up as a roundtable event that featured a series
of 20-minute discussions where we had the opportunity to learn firsthand
from professionals in the fields of marketing and communications. I made
it to two round-table discussions with Jack Morton Worldwide and Aria
Marketing. It was interesting to see what other students were interested in
and the types of jobs they were looking to do. I loved hearing questions
they asked, because usually, it was a question that I had too. I took a lot of
notes and was sure to follow-up with the representatives from Jack
Morton and Aria after the event. Attending Simmons has made me realize
how lucky I am that our school hosts and promotes these events as much
as they do.


10. Informational Interview Experience

An informational interview is a way to gain first-hand information about a
career or a particular organization. It is not a way to gain employment;
rather it is a networking strategy. As an intern, one of the best resources at
your fingertips are the people you meet. Your internship site is full of
people who were in your position at one point in their life, and have
progressed through various paths to make their dreams happen. An
informational interview will give you the chance to have a frank and open
discussion about the field, the challenges associate with a particular
discipline, the networking secrets, and other topics that you have always
wanted to know first-hand.

Last year, before I was an intern, I had the opportunity to have an

informational interview with a representative from 360 Public Relations.
Her name was Whitney and she too was an intern before she was hired as
an account coordinator. I sat down with her and asked her questions about


her experience in college, her internship experience, what lead her to 360,
the experience she had had thus far and her plans for the future. It was
great getting to know a little about her background and the way she came
across 360. After connecting with her, I realized that I could see myself in
a similar position as she was. She loved her job and enjoyed meeting with
clients. She was easy to talk to and had a great personality. It made me
realize that today, you cannot be afraid to speak up and ask questions and
tell the truth.
After being part of 360s environment for about a month an a half, I sat down
with my two supervisors, Allison and Ali and had a progress meting with
them. During this time, I was able to complete an informational interview
with them because they held the positions that I was ultimately interested in.
Both Allison and Ali were interns at 360 before accepting full-time positions
as an account coordinator and an account executive. I asked them a range of
questions including:

What kinds of prior experience are necessary for your position?

When you were in college, what did you think your career was going to

Describe a typical work day/week.

What do you find most rewarding about the work?

If you could give me some advice about entering his field, what would it


I learned a lot of important thins and when I complete my time at 30, I plan to
sit down with them and ask them questions more directed at my individual
work ethic and my overall demeanor. Allison and Ali have been amazing to
work for. They are young and are so easy to relate to. They are more like
friends than bosses, however, they know how to advise me and make me a
better intern.

10. Reflection of 360 Public Relations

Being an intern at 360 Public Relations was the most rewarding and
positive experience I have ever had at any of the internships I held. I love
the environment, the people, the perks and the overall work ethic of
everyone in the office. Everyone knows everyone and everyone is so
friendly to each other. Even Laura, the CEO makes a point to show herself
in the office and say hi to everyone.
I have learned so much at 360. I have improved my writing skills, learned
the importance of time management, met great people with different
skillsets than mine and worked on a team doing things that I love. There
was never a minute where I wasnt doing something productive or
something I didnt want to do. I even liked sending out mailings through


Allison and Ali took me under their wings and guided me to a path of
success. They taught me how to do my job and do it efficiently and correct.
Although I still cant seem to remember to change the font to Tahoma 10
black all the time, they never get mad and always send a friendly reminder.
Another thing I especially like about the agency life are the perks. For
example, every Friday is Bagel Friday, and although I am allergic to
gluten and cant eat bagels, it is so nice seeing everyone come together for
a quick breakfast on Friday mornings. 360 also offers up use of their ski
house for you and guest throughout the winter months. I thought this was
so cool, especially the idea of ho it was opened to interns. Interns at 360
are not treated like slaves. We are given legitimate work that is actually
valued and used. We do not make coffee, run errands or twiddle our
thumbs. We are constantly busy helping our team with projects.
Since day one, 360 has been busy meeting deadlines and getting new
clients. It has been an exciting environment to be a part of, especially with
Halloween and Thanksgiving so close together.
The environment in the office is truly amazing. However, a question that
has been lingering in the back of my mind is if I get offered a job here, will
I take it? I have talked to you about this before, and the money just is not
good. I recognize that this is the type of environment I thrive in, however, I
feel as though the money is a big problem. In addition, 360 currently has
two full-time interns that are post-grads and are making the same amount
of money as me, just working a "normal" 8-5 shift. I honestly do not know
if I like the idea of still being an intern after I graduate.

I have continued to be busy working on the PBS KIDS account each day
doing a lot of writing, writing and more writing. Each day I am responsible
for drafting a coverage report that highlights coverage for the day and then
is sent off to PBS KIDS directly. I have learned a lot in the short time
period I have been here and it has been a truly rewarding experience.


11. Final Presentation Slides (See Attached)


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