Crimewire. Instant Checkmate, 20 June 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2015

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Jake Read
English IV
October 21, 2015
Annotated Bibliography: Police Canines
Question: What characteristics does a canine need to become a police canine?
Thesis: There are many characteristics needed to become a police canine such as, breed,
aggression, and strength.
Welter, Ashley. "The 4 Must-Have Qualities Of A K-9 Crime Fighter - CrimeWire."
CrimeWire. Instant Checkmate, 20 June 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2015
This source gives a ton of information about a dogs bond with a human. It also talks
about the characteristics needed to become a police canine. This source gives in their opinions
the top four things a dog needs to become a police canine. One is intelligence, it talks about how
german shepherds are able to pick up and retain things quicker he most breeds. Two is
aggression, the article states how german shepherds are dominant dogs and like to have hold of
any dangerous situation. Three is strength, talks about a german shepherds strong frame and
muscular build to have longer stamina in situations. The last thing stated in the article is their
sense of smell compared to other dogs german shepherds have the most olfactory receptors
giving them an advantage to smell narcotics or human set better than most dogs.
"K9 Police Dog Training." Police Dog Training. NP. Web. 22 Oct. 2015
This article gives a summary of their opinion on how police canines are supposed to act.
It talks about how theyre supposed to perform tasks in various situations. Also states how police
canines just like their handlers must pass a test. This test tests the dogs ability to detect narcotics


or explosives. In the article it talks about all the responsibility of the handler to know how your
dog will perform an not interfere or make any mistakes that will pull your dog off.
POLICE DOG BEHAVIOR." Operation Take Me Home. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
This article talks about the genetic selection that police departments need. Law
enforcement agencies need reliable sources for police dog candidates. Friendly interaction
between police dogs and the public, and with fellow officers is necessary to maintain canine
sociability and reliability. Fear reactions reside in the amygdala, the brains fear center, and are
difficult or impossible to change.

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