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Julie Goodwin

75 N. Woodward Ave, U-Box 65961,

Tallahassee, FL

Office of Proposal Development

Office of the VP for Research
Westcott North Annex
Tallahassee, FL. 32306-1330

Dear Vice President Ostrander,

In efforts to build a better future for not
only the students of Florida State University, but the rest of the world, I would like to propose
a new research project to be held at the Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS) in which
I ask you to grant funding for. The main project behind this funding is a place in which all
types of engineers can work together in hopes of creating a more environmentally sound
system used for the process of hydraulic fracturing. As the system currently stands, while still
a very new science and field, the machines which extract the shale gas and oil from rock
underground are known to not only emit toxins into the air, but also into nearby wells which
infused peoples water supply with harmful chemicals, as well as having been known to cause
earthquakes. While the earthquakes may not be something of immediate control with a
system other than testing the surrounding earth and its stability, the emissions of gas as well
as the spills happening can be prevented and taken head on. I propose a laboratory in which
a great deal of the property will be outside but also inside where mechanical, industrial,
chemical, and petroleum engineers can work side by side to overtake this engineering
disaster that is nothing less than groundbreaking (no pun intended). With hard work,
brainstorming, and many brains of many fields, these common mistakes that happen at
certain points within the extraction process can be pinpointed which will then allow all to work
to solve the problems and establish the biggest invention in the energy industry since the
discovery of oil. We hope to invite engineers from other universities to form partnerships in
the future that will also be given grants for this research. To deprive an opportunity of

changing the world with Florida State Universitys name and resources as a heavy hitter
within the discovery would be a tragic mistake. I ask you to please take the time to review my
proposal and reflect on the rewards as well as the risks, for the College of Engineering states
that the success of an engineer is the balance between the two. Please contact me with any
questions and concerns.
Thank you for your time,
Julie Goodwin

Julie Goodwin
Professor Patterson
ENC 2135 11
19 November 2015
Genre Project Proposal

1. FSU Labs
a. Audience and intention- Florida State University, Dean Thrasher,
Vice President Ostrander (Office of Research); create logo and then
write letter asking for funding to further investigate more sound
engineering opportunities for hydraulic fracturing
2. Infographic
a. Audience and intention- general public; display reality of
environmental effects of fracturing
3. Billboard
a. Audience and intention: general public; raise awareness of possible
health effects on society and environment as a result of fracking

Since the genres are in digital form it will access a wider audience, being that todays fastest
growing information and news starts on the Internet. The thesis of the research paper is
portrayed throughout these genres by illustrating the effects that fracking could have on our
lives and the possible concerns if we do not take action to for a new, environmentally sound
way of engineering and extracting, tweaking the already existing system.

Works Cited:

Website used to create logo:

Website used to create Billboard:

Website used to create Infographic:

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