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Character Motivation in Macbeth:

Why The **** Did They Do That?

Instructions: For each character identify at least two big decisions that he or she has made so far in the play, and then determine whether their decision making
was based on rational or irrational thought. Last, explain what these decisions reveal about the character.

Decision 1 (page #)
Macbeth listens to witches

Rational or Irrational?
I thought that was irrational
because the witches in the
end, were playing a trick on
him and Macbeth ends up
making irrational decisions
because of it.

Decision 2 (page #)
Killing Duncan

Rational or Irrational?
I thought this was irrational
for him because he stresses
out about it a lot

What does this reveal

about character?
This reveals that Macbeth is
gullible and that hes not a
cold hearted person but acts
at the spur of the moment.

This was rational because if

they stayed longer, they
would be seen why Macbeth
was acting out of place

I think this reveals that she

thinks before acting and that
she is very manipulative

Makes up a plan to kill
Duncan and manipulates
Macbeth into doing it

This was irrational because

they end up realizing that
their not happier being king
and queen and that Macbeth
ends up stressing about it a

Asking people to leave their


Decision 1 (page #)

Suspicion of Macbeth

Rational or Irrational?

Decision 2 (page #)

Rational or Irrational?

What does this reveal

about character?

This was both rational and

irrational. It was rational
because he did have reason t
suspect Macbeth in foul play
but irrational because it led
to him getting killed.

Asking witches to repeat

prophecy and who they were

This was rational because he

didnt really take the witches

I think this reveals that

Banquo was smart person
and doesnt always believes
what he hears.

This was rational because he

didnt want to end up getting

Pretends to be worse king

than macbeth

Rational because it shows

loyalty to his country

I think this reveals that he is

a loyal and Nobel person

I think this was irrational

because he ends up acting
out of character and murders
innocent people.

Showing his ghostly dagger

I think this was irrational

because it prompted
Macbeth to end up killing
Duncan which leads to other
bad things

I think this reveals that the

witches trick and manipulate
to people to get what they
want to happen

Flees to england

Your choice:

The witches giving Macbeth

a prophecy

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