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Oral Presentations

Throughout your life time you will come across many times when you have to
give an oral presentation. There are numerous amount of different approaches that
you can take but most will all say to focus on your audience. You have to consider
how your presentation will sound like from their point of view since their interest is
your main focus. By comparing advice and strategies given in a textbook to tips
given from a website online you will be able to see the similarities and differences
between the two sources.
In chapter 20 of the book the main advice given for oral presentations is to
consider your audience and your purpose. One of the first steps is to plan out your
objective. This is done by picking out three or four main points, picking graphics,
and having a reader centered introduction and conclusion. When planning out how
much time you spend on each section, the least amount of time should be given to
the introduction and conclusion. The second step is to create a draft with a simple
design. This should include a title slide, bullet point slide, and PowerPoint notes for
yourself to look off of when giving the presentation. In your presentation you should
create animations but only where they serve a purpose because this can become a
distraction for the reader. Including transitions between each slide will help the
presentation run more smoothly. Lastly you should revise and edit your presentation
and have someone time you.
From the online website,, the main advice given
is to be prepared when giving your oral presentation. It is vital to do your homework
and put time into preparing your remarks. Spend a considerable amount of time
figuring out what to say to your audience. Play the parts and structure your

presentation into sections. You only need to have two or three main points. It is
important to organize your points into a few many points and telling your audience
what these are- before and after your presentation- can be the difference between a
good and bad presentation. Do a dry run and look presentable on the day of the
presentation. It is hard for people to take you seriously if you look like you just rolled
out of bed. When giving the presentation be sure to talk to the audience and dont
read off of the slides. Try to talk from notes and only look down at them
occasionally. Take it slow and use aids along with the information. This can help the
audience locate main points from the presentation. Dont overwhelm the crowd and
be yourself while speaking. Try to appear relaxed, play it straight, and circle the
crowd making eye contact with each individual.
Both of these resources provide helpful tips, strategies, and advice when it
comes to giving an oral presentation. The main focus is to consider your reader and
how they will interpret the information you are presenting them. It is important to
know the information going into the presentation so that you will be more prepared.
Both sources stated that it would be a good idea to keep PowerPoint notes or note
cards off to the side so that you have a guideline to follow along with. They also
included that you do not want to overwhelm your audience will too much
information or graphics to distract them from the main points. You should list out
the main points at the beginning and end of the presentation to make sure that the
audience remembers what the purpose was. Both of the resources stated that you
only need two to four main points in your presentation.
When giving an oral presentation speak in conversational style and welcome
interruptions from your audience. Be sure to respond effectively to your audiences
comments and questions. Establishing and maintaining a personal connection with

your audience will help to keep their attention during the presentation. It is
important to do your research and be well prepare when giving the information to
your audience. Whether looking for advice in a book or online resource the main
points will be the same: to consider your audiences and know the material you are
presenting to them.

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