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Kavon Adams Spell

124 Address St
Anytown, NY 10011
(631) 456-8990

4th September 20XX

Mrs. Hensel
CEO, Parker Tech
74 Lincoln Green Lane
Church Stoke, PA 19402
Dear Ms. Parker,

My name is Kavon Adams Spell. I was born in Long Island, New York. I Am a man of
Integrity Valence and Diligence. Im 18 years old. i'm the second oldest sibling out of 8 children.
I have 5 younger sisters, 2 younger brothers and an older brother. Even though school can be
difficult for me sometimes, Graduation would be a great blessing. Blessing from everything that
happened growing up til now. My feelings graduating from St. James high school will be
unbelievable for me. I know everyone goes through a lot either when they were young and or
later in their future, and im one of them. My life has been very outrageous and unbarring if ive
were to tell my whole life to people. Ive accomplished a lot throughout my life especially me
moving from up north to down south to North-South Carolina. i had a rough time in New York,
which caused me sometimes not to be able to go to school due to either family issues or personal
etc. Accomplishments that ive achieved are simply for one just to get off my chest is going to
school. Me being here i'm not able to and don't want to go back to my old ways of messing up
getting in trouble in school due to my actions, that have caused me to be suspended or anything
that can effect me to get in trouble outside of school. i;ve learned to speak less and listen more.
Information the judges should be informed about me is that im a very down to earth type of
What motivated me to choose this topic was simply how ive been around and seen a lot
of violence that had to deal with firearms. This topic impacted a lot of how i think also feelings
towards firearms in a more positive way and opened-minded. I've learned from my Senior
Exploration was how different states have different Gun Laws. some new laws and other made
from the late 1900s. this will help me in the future if i ever become a police officer or any job
that deals with carrying a firearm on duty. This can will definitely help me out in the future when

i'm old enough to possess and carry a firearm, with the knowledge of knowing the laws that
come with having a firearm and where i'm located due to the state or country i'm at.
Process of the Senior exploration was like for me was very appreciated. there were
numerous obstacles ive overcome at times when i needed help and didn't know what to do next
and how to fix and work on more activities. i completed a lot because me, not knowing a lot
about my topics was very difficult and didn't know how to start off and where to get information
from to help me with my project.
Thank you judges i appreciate the time, patience aslo effort youve shown and gave me
for my senior project. i also would like to thank you judges for the listening of my experience, to
view my portfolio..


Kavon Adams Spell

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