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Cornejo 1

Alexis Cornejo
Professor Jon Beadle
English 113A
September 28 2015
Final Draft
I was reading some really interesting articles and there was two that really caught my
attention From Women, Men, and Society by Claire Renzetti and Daniel Curran and the article
No Way My Boys Are going to be like that by Emily W. Kane. I observed that both articles
talk about similar topics, for example how boys are strongly favored over girls. Parents try to
maintain their son as masculine as possible because gender has become a huge trend in society.
In both articles clothing was an important impact on how children are determined to be male or
female just on the appearance of clothing a person will assume whether it is a boy or girl. That
idea of clothing appearance is really effective in the real world because I see it happen on a day
to day basis, stereotyping is used for all ages its how society defines peoples gender life. A
common fact about both articles would also be that parents conceive that the male has to be a
masculine person as he matures to make it possible parents assist their male child in allowing or
prohibiting what he is allowed to play with and with who. The most common ideas from the two
articles are mainly about the male member of the family maturing and assisted by their parents so
they avoid alternating genders in their future life.
Particularly when children are at a young age they are discriminated by their appearance
of clothing whether they are feminist or masculine the child is criticized and stereotyped by
society. A real life example would be when my aunt had her son there were times where she
dressed my cousin with some feminine clothing that were actually unisex clothing and people

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would approach her to ask whether it was a male or female, it comes to show that society goes
based off of appearance. Children in my family are not allowed to play with the opposite sexs
toys or play their games, if we ever did it was considered that we werent really boys. Well thats
just what they would say so we wouldnt do it. Like in the article, From Women, Men and
Society, boys are raised in a rougher and more aggressive way, I can relate to that by observing
how one of my uncles raised his daughters to stay inside the house to clean, cook, and just stay
and relax at home. But when it was my male cousin at a young age of seven he was already out
in the farm cleaning after the horses in the blazing sun and if at any point he would go inside the
house he would get grounded.
There is a problem when parents need help to raise their own child because they believe
there is a right or wrong way but in reality there is no right or wrong in raising their own child.
At the end of the day the child is is the only one that could decide if they want to develop a
change in gender or not. Toys are not going to claim a childs future so if they are around dolls
doesnt necessarily engage a future gender change. A majority of the time parents treat their child
differently, they might deny it but its a proven fact that the girls receive the the extra attention
and love and the male id grown with aggression and paid less attention to.
The article From Women, Men, and Society really covered the topics of family raising
their young. There for it explained how the father legally raises his son to be just like himself so
in other words the father is the role model. Just as well as the mother interacts with with her
daughter showing her the path of a womens characteristics. More often they would discipline
the male more because of the fact that he must become masculine for example if the boy and girl
would to cry at the same time they would try to make the daughter feel better and ignore the son.
In the article it also explains about toys and what the boys and girls should play with for the

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males its all about the action figures, truck, and video games. The females are permitted dolls,
princesses, and ballerinas. Toys have a big impact on children and parents restrict them from
using for their so called well being and it explains the sex restriction of the certain toys.
The article No Way My Boys Are Going to Be Like That the common fact it also has is
about toys and how there is coding on toys for the masculine, feminine, and for neutral. This
article parents are receiving extra support on how to raise their male child to show him the
perfect example of masculine and the path to a healthy male role in society. Clothing also has a
great impact on people and their sexuality. Parents dont want to hear that their child is going to
be transgender so the precaution to avoid a certain tragedy. Some parents have received the
request of barbies from their male child and all have rejected the fact of obtaining them with
such a toy. The father takes over in this part he guides the son on every direction he thinks is
correct. The first time a male could show sign of feminine behavior is at a really early age of
three years old. Most of this tends to follow up on the middle class families.
A majority of the time people dont change genders or come out with the truth until they
are use to the fact that they will become an outcast in society. Society takes over a persons life
especially knowing how judge mental society is growing up, thats why people dont tend to
show their sexuality at a young age because they are scared of the denial of not only society but
their own families. As a child of having parents avoiding them from gender change it is very
difficult for them to take the next step into their life. I personally have a close friend who till this
day is afraid to come out with the truth for the reason that she feels she will be rejected from her
friends and family. In the present day things have changed not many families receive help to
raise their male child. Now a days stores have changed their labels on toys so they could become
unisex toys. Also clothing have neutral colors on the so they dont stand out when the opposite

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sex is wearing a certain clothing. For example the trends for teens are so similar people could
shop in the same department for clothing making it difficult for parents to restrict their male to
wear as felt. Parents dont want to view their son have a gender change because it is hard for
them to accept because to them they see all their hard work of raising their son the perfect way
go to waste. It has been proven that the male knows what sexuality he wants to become by the
age of seven. After the age of seven parents should have a formal talk about their childs
sexuality that way it gives them tie to accept their child very young.
In conclusion, parents will have the urge to guide their male child the direction they want
but they should be well aware that they could only do so much for their child. From receiving
information from my close friend on the hardship of confronting the truth it is very hurtful to see
a person not be able to become who they want because of the rejection of society and as well as
their own families. Toys are to be shared between both genders but there is always going to be
the fact of what a masculine person should really be playing with and with who. Even with a
father figure in the males life not always is it the correct path for the true feeling of the child life.
The ability of haven chosen what gender they want to become of age seven their parents should
be able to be open of course there will always be parents who feel it is their duty to take over the
child life because he is not able to make his own life until the age of eighteen. Nevertheless,
these two article are really informative they show and prove of the perfect example of how
parents should not be but then everyone has their own opinion but they do sure state the fact that
parents want the best for their child but in the long run there is nothing to be done to change one
mid set of some ones life especially their own childs. Therefor gender is a great thing on society
but there will always be conflict on whats the right or wrong society has different ways seeing

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things and society is always changing and the more change the see the more they become more

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