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Luke 1

Victoria Luke
Mrs. Evans
Multimedia Design
15 November 2015

Career Research Project

Civil engineers have numerous responsibilities. Civil engineers analyze
survey reports, maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography, and other
topographical or geologic data to plan projects. They also plan and design
transportation or hydraulic systems and structures, following construction
and government standards, using design software and drawing tools. The
engineers compute load and grade requirements, water flow rates, and
material stress factors to determine design specifications. (

To be a civil engineer they have to be able to problem solve, which

means they have the ability to tell when something is wrong or is likely to go
wrong. It does not involve solving the problem, only recognizing there is a
problem. They also have to have deductive reasoning, which is the ability to
apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make
sense. Another skill of a civil engineer is visualization which is the ability to
imagine how something will look after it is moved around or when its parts

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are moved or rearranged. (

Civil engineers must first complete a bachelor's degree in civil

engineering or one of its specialties. A program accredited by ABET is
needed in order to gain licensure, which is required to work as a professional
engineer (PE). (

Civil engineers generally work indoors in offices. However, many spend

time outdoors at construction sites so they can monitor operations or solve
problems onsite. Most work full time. (

Civil engineers earned a median salary of $80,770 in 2013, according

to the BLS. The highest-paid 10 percent in the profession made $126,190,
while the lowest-paid earned $51,810 in 2013. The most highly compensated
positions are within the industries of oil and gas extraction, and the highestpaid positions are located in Midland, Texas; Hinesville, Georgia; and
Houston. (

Employment outlook of civil engineers is projected to grow 20 percent

from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations. As
infrastructure continues to age, civil engineers will be needed to manage

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projects to rebuild bridges, repair roads, and upgrade levees and dams.
Moreover, a growing population means that new water systems will be
required while the aging, existing water systems must be maintained to
reduce or eliminate leaks of drinkable water. In addition, more waste
treatment plants will be needed to help clean the nations waterways. Civil
engineers play a key part in all of this work.
Civil engineering is a discipline which is essential in the modern world:
roads, bridges, airports, railways, sewage works and power stations all
provide the fabric of today's society, and without them the world would be a
very different place. Projects such as these provide direct, tangible benefits
to the environment in which we live and can enhance the quality of life of
people not only now, but for years to come. It is this opportunity to make a
significant contribution to improving the world around me which attracts me
to the subject. (

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Works Cited

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