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Brooke Lanfear

Task One

Go to the link
Select K-5 on the left side menu of the page.
On the right side of the page click on the plus sign to expand the options

Select Grade 5 Social Studies Standards

Which standard has the element Explain the impact the development of the personal
computer and the internet has had on American life.? SS5H9
Task Two

Go to the link
Select the Science option on the left side menu of the page
Select the K-5 on the left side of the page
On the right side of the page click on the plus sign next to Grade 3 to expand the options

Select FRAMEWORKS: HABITATS: Georgia on My Mind

Under which area/topic would you find:
Give groups a plant and animal from the various habitats of Georgia for example:
mountains Mountain Laurel (Plant) & Smoky Shrew (Animal), marsh/swamp Cypress
(Plant) & Round Tailed Muskrat (Animal), coast Magnolia (Plant) & Pocket Gopher
(Animal), Piedmont Pine Tree (Plant) & Gray Fox or Eastern Chipmunk (Animal), Atlantic
Ocean Sea grass (Plant) & Right Whale (Animal). Have students work in teams to
research looking for characteristics such as size, covering, what it eats, where it lives,
and any other interesting or unusual facts about these organisms and the habitat which
they live. Students create a poster for each organism illustrating and sharing important
details. Add posters to a large classroom map of Georgia habitats so students can link
the animals and plants geographical. Task B

Task Three

Go to the link
Select RESOURCES on the left side of the page.
Select one of the technology resources for teachers and share how you would use it in
your classroom. 21st century skills would be useful this is something I am very familiar
with because it is an after school program that provides students with tutoring. This
would be useful for me to use after school with that program.

Task Four

Click on the link
Select Mathematics on the left side of the page
Select K-5 on the left side of the page
On the right side of the page click on the plus sign next to Grade 3 to expand the options
Select Unit 6


What is the name/title for this task?

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