Molly Assessment

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Flower Dissection Performance Based Assessment: Molly




Hands are holding the outside of the flower /1

Correct hold

The scalpel is being held correctly (handshake

position) /2

Nice handshake

Cutting is done away from fingers /1


Pressure is appropriate (no frayed edges on

specimen or deep cuts into the dissection board)

Nice pressure/ no frayed


Identification of structures on the live

specimen /3
Anther x
Pollen x
Stigma x
Style x
Ovary x
Sepal x
Petal x
Filament x
Stem x

Confident in identification

Identification of purpose of structures /3

Anther x
Pollen x
Stigma x
Style x
Ovary x
Sepal x
Petal x
Filament x
Stem x

Nailed the purpose

1. I enjoyed the performance based assessment because it was more hands-on

and engaging.
2. Two different contents that could be performance assessed could be speed of
water and dissecting owl pellets.

3. Using performance based assessments in science is important so students

can apply their knowledge to other areas, as well as demonstrate their
knowledge in a real-world context.

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