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Covenant (Relationships):
The teacher will respect her
students and colleagues.

The teacher will create meaningful

and caring relationships with her

The teacher will create a safe

space for her students.

The students are expected to

respect their peers and teachers.

The students are expected to care

for one another.

The teacher will
Listen to her students and
Not talk over her students or
Be inclusive with and of her
students and colleagues.
Use positive language and will
refrain from using speech or body
language that is in any way
Treat all students with equity by
doing what is best for students as
Honor students diverse
The teacher will
Know things about each student
beyond the classroom.
Encourage her students.
Intentionally communicate with
the parents and/or guardians of
her students.
The teacher will
Communicate with her students
Be explicit in communicating her
expectations for her students.
Extend grace to her students
when she sees fit.
Help the students solve their
problems in a just and respectful
The students are expected to
Refrain from speaking when
others are speaking.
To raise their hand and be called
on before speaking during
instruction time.
Be inclusive of classmates.
Use speech and body language
that is uplifting and not offensive.
The students are expected to
Include one another in learning

The students are expected to

participate in creating a safe
space for learning.

Content (Teaching and Learning):

The teacher will use authentic and
relevant pedagogy.

The teacher will use authentic and

relevant content.

The teacher will make the content

explicit to the students.

and play.
Help one another when one is
hurt, sick, mad, or sad.
Remind one another of the
expectations in the classroom.
Attempt to solve any problems
and/or conflicts that come up
before coming to a teacher.
The students are expected to
Encourage their classmates.
Participate in learning.
Refrain from using negative
speech or body language when
others are wrong.
The teacher will
Teach content in a way that
students can understand.
Give her students as many
experiences as possible with
Change her pedagogy to fit her
students needs.
Present her students with a
variety of learning experiences.
The teacher will
Teach content that is applicable to
students lives.
Teach content that is relevant to
students diverse backgrounds.
Teach content that highlights the
achievements of people from
minority groups.
Teach content areas considering
multiple points of view to avoid a
certain bias.
The teacher will
Explain the content.
Model the required processes and
Share her thoughts about a task
while participating in it.
Make connections between old
and new content and between
content and the real world.
Use experiential pedagogy

The teacher will make learning

expectations explicit to the

The teacher will teach in a way

that reflects her belief that all
students can learn and that all
students learn differently.

The teacher will respect her

students work.

The students are expected to

participate in learning activities
and experiences.

whenever possible.
The teacher will
Explain the requirements of
projects and assignments.
Share rubrics and/or checklists
with her students whenever
Give feedback on projects, tests,
assignments, and in-class work as
soon as possible.
The teacher will
Elicit and interpret student
Employ multiple means for
Provide options for:
Physical action
Recruiting interest
Sustaining effort and persistence
Executive functions.
Assess students using multiple
forms of assessment, both formal
and informal.
The teacher will
Give mastery-oriented feedback.
Not sugarcoat feedback, but will
give feedback that is honest and
Not emphasize performance,
instead, improvement.
The students are expected to
Ask questions.
Orally communicate during class
Complete assignments.
Pay attention and listen to
presentations, discussions, and
Be on-task during activities and

The students are expected to

make their thinking explicit to the
The students are expected to
respect their own work and the
work of others.

Conduct (Behavior):
The students are expected to take
ownership over their own conduct.

The students are expected to

Ask any questions that they have
about content.
To inform the teacher when they
do not understand the content.
The students are expected to
Complete their work without
Reference their sources when
borrowing others ideas.
Try their best on schoolwork.
Do neat work.
Turn in work on time.
Complete all required

The students are expected to

Participate in the creation of the
class rules.
Remind each other of the class
The teacher will make her
The teacher will
behavior expectations explicit to
Remind the students of the rules
her students.
that they created together.
The teacher will give the students The teacher will
consequences when their behavior Give students one warning before
violates school and classroom
giving students a consequence.
Create consequences that are
natural and preserve the dignity of
the students.
Create consequences that are
appropriate for student behaviors.
Create consequences restore
justice and relationships.
Give grace when she sees fit in
accordance with Biblical
The teacher will respect and care
The teacher will
for her students and colleagues.
Follow the rules created by the
Speak in a way that honors all.
Not talk over others.
Use a tone of voice that honors
Communicate with others in a
timely manner.

The teacher will respect and care

for herself.

The teacher will respect and care

for her teaching space and

The students are expected to

respect and care for their
classmates and teacher.

The students are expected to

respect and care for their learning
space and materials.

Treat others the way that they

would like to be treated.
The teacher will
Speak in a way that honors
Respect the work that she does by
doing it to the best of her ability
and by appreciating its value.
The teacher will
Keep her classroom clean and
orderly (with the help of her
Keep her supplies organized and
Keep her records up to date and
Return supplies back to their place
after using them.
The students are expected to
Follow the rules that they set for
Speak in ways that honor others.
Raise their hands and wait to be
called on before they speak during
instructional time.
Ask for permission before leaving
the classroom.
Refrain from using their words or
actions to hurt others.
Include others in their learning
and play.
Do what their teacher asks or tells
them to do.
Attempt to solve problems and
conflicts on their own before
bringing them to the teacher.
The students are expected to
Help keep the classroom clean
and orderly.
Keep their desks clean and
Return learning materials to where
they came from.
Use the learning space and
materials in the ways that they
were designed.

The students are expected to

respect and care for themselves.

The students are expected to

Do their best work.
Appreciate the value of their work.
Speak in ways that honor

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