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Discrimination against Hispanics and

The Hispanic and Latino community is one of
the largest
minority group in the United Sates that in
addition is
indigenous to the country. In the research done
by myself to
cover this issue of discrimination, it lead me to
some finding
about the population of Hispanics and Latinos
in the United
States, and according to the CDC and the
United States
Census Bureau there are roughly 54 million
Hispanics living
in the United States since 2014, which
approximately 17 percent of the United States
total population,
with this it makes people from a Hispanic and
Latino origin the
nation's largest ethnic or race minority. Having
this information
and knowing that they nearly make up one fifth of the population, and are slowly growing, it is clear that not all of
them have the same opportunities, or representation in this society. By the most part, it is clear that Hispanics and
Latinos are looked down by those of different races. They face struggles, mostly caused by the American public,
such as media and individuals with major influence in society that discriminate Hispanics and Latinos based on what
they see and hear in media outlets or by simply guiding themselves through stereotypes that do not apply, and should
not apply, to the community of Hispanics and Latinos as a whole. A clear example is the presidential elections with a
major influential person, Donald Trump, and his discrimination towards Hispanics and Latinos. The Huffington Post,
released an article talking about the Nine outrageous things Donald Trump has said about Latinos. I find this
evidence more than clear to proof that influential individuals from the United States are making the lives of
Hispanics and Latinos difficult by making outrageous accusation that they throw out into the public and they dont
give, nor have any proof to back up their allegations and people believe them. The accusation have nothing to do
with the community of Hispanics and Latinos because this community is trying the best they can to be successful.
The NBC news released an article about an organization, Latinas Think Big, which is Latina women helping out
others, of the same community, to create business, have out going goals and spread the word that a good life is
possible. They struggle to fit in society, to be accepted as the same, and this is a trouble because even through names
people discriminate others, and because of this they are not given the opportunities they deserve. This walls are put
in front of them by the same members of the American society and I hope in the future this stops. What needs to be
done and the course of action to take is to apply a policy change to help the members of the Hispanic and Latino
society grow as equal members of society as the other citizens of the United States. The main concern to this policy
that I hope will change is discrimination, people should not subject others of a different race from themselves as an
alienated individual. This is more of a personal policy for each individual to accept others as your equal. If it comes
to the law to stop this, one way is to put those people, who are doing discrimination, through programs of selfreflection to find the roots of their issues to the community of Hispanics and Latinos. A program of cultural
enrichment should also be put in place that individuals should take in order to learn from different cultures. With this
I am sure that discrimination done based on what others say and think about Hispanics and Latinos, more specifically
what influential people say and think to motivate people from America to discriminate Hispanics and Latinos will
Hispanic or Latino Populations. (2015, May 5). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from
Moreno, C. (2015, August 31). 9 Outrageous Things Donald Trump Has Said About Latinos. Retrieved December 1,
2015, from
Mendoza, K. (2015, November 17). Latinas Think Big Summit: Helping Women Take Careers to Next Level.
Retrieved December 5, 2015, from

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