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Important Science Fair Dates

You will need a Composition notebook and a presentation board




December 15, 2015

5 literary resources

December 18, 2015

Choosing a Topic due

Can be books, magazine articles,

newspaper articles, online or print
scientific research journals
Develop at least 3 topics; find 5
credible resources for each; list pros
and cons for each

January 6, 2016


January 8, 2016
January 14, 2016

Variable and Control

Notes from 5 resources due

January 21, 2016

February 9, 2016
February 10, 2016
February 11, 2016

5 Literary resources
and notes
10Literary resources
and notes
Materials due
Experimental design
Procedure due
Diagram/Apparatus due
**Experiments should be
underway and completed by the
end of vacation**
Outline-thesis with 5 topics
Introduction with thesis
Paragraph 3- at least 20 facts

February 12,2016

Paragraph 4- at least 20 facts

February 23, 2016

February 24, 2016
February 29, 2016

Paragraph 5- at least 20 facts

Paragraph 6- at least 20 facts
Literary Research section of
Science Fair paper due

January 29, 2016

February 2, 2016
February 4, 2016
February 9, 2016
February 9, 2016

March 3, 2016

Data tables and Graphs due

March 8, 2016

Results due

March 15, 2016

Conclusion due

Each gets its own page

List bibliographical info for each
resource; 2 pages of notes for each
(10 total) Begin typing Literary
Research section of Science Fair paper
(20 total) Research/Type Literary
Research section of paper
Each gets its own page
Each gets its own page
Each gets its own page

February Break Week

Title page, Table of Contents, and
Literary Research
(email to Ms. Kaye by
8:00 am)
One for each trial
Each gets its own page
Results are what happened in the
experiment in word format
Was your hypothesis correct/incorrect?
Why? Include the how and why
behind your experiment. How would
you apply what youve discovered for

future use?
March 18, 2016
March 22, 2016

March 23-24 and 28, 2016

March 31, 2016
April 14, 2016
Saturday April 23, 2016

Abstract Due and Works cited

Experimental Research
Section of paper due

Science Fair Presentations

Final Draft of research paper
Point Webster Science fair
Regional Science Fair

One page only

Experimental Research,
Acknowledgement page, and
(email to Ms. Kaye)
In class presentations
Entire paper is turned in;
Do NOT email, hard copies only
Regis College

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