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Favela 1 Marissa Favela Professor Ditch English 113A, 2 November 2015 separ The i of Kim Kardashian advertising Shape-Ups demonstrates how society _5_ has shaped the ways Gaoratie women’ 's bodies and men’s interpretation of how women’s bodies are supposed to look: Gender roles have played a big part in today’s world and shows A JO" vow society judges People by the way they look, Kim Kardashian has been a role model to many women who will do nearly anything to be like her. The Superstar is known for having a body that f Women desire to have, This advertisement is trying to influence women to buy these Shape-Uips, ‘manipulating thei minds into thinking that if they wear these shoes they could eventually have a )(° body like Kim Kardashian Equality berween the two genders states that men and women should ©!" (( C have equal treatments as well as they should not be discriminated because oftheir gender. Many People buy these products expecting to see results but buying a par of shoes will not change the way you look. Sketchers advertisements Le eninge body positivity and they don’t promote 2 % Via quality in gender totes, > | ad Yoel frp he Shape-Ups have bed advertised to the world that the shoe is unique and has been designed to help the buyers lose weight by simply wearing the shoe. Various women see Kardashian advertising these shoes and it helps prompt more women to buy them. Women ‘appeal tothe idea of having a celebrities product line or wearing the same shoes as a celebrity. ‘These shoes are made to fit the style that not only young women will enjoy but also adults as

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