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Calderon, Ortega, pg.


October 29, 2015


Susan Wood


Yesica Ortega, Xochitl Calderon

DACC Students


Preparedness for Success using effectively Communication Proposal

Dear Susan Wood:

Communication is part of our daily life while at work, school, shopping and at home.
Individuals assume that communication simply implies the sending of messages from person
to person. To have effective communication the individual first has to identify the purpose,
next the audience, and finally the appropriate tone.
We are currently students at DACC campus that have recognized the importance of
successful communication. Realistically the majority of students do not know the keys to
effective which contributes to struggles with written assignments, sending a text or preparing
a resume. Based on the observations regarding effective communication we are proposing a
workshop that will teach and prepare students for better communication by providing the
necessary resources through our presentation.
Our workshop will be titled: Preparing for Success Using Effective Communication. The
presentation will focus on three areas; Purpose, Audience, and Tone. The workshop will run
from Monday December 7 th to December 11th starting at 9:00 am to 10:00 am. The workshop
will be located in the computer lab and will have room for 24 students for each session.
Yesica Ortega and myself both english students believe that we have the knowledge and
resources to teach other students the key areas of communication which will benefit through
out their enrollement here at DACC.
We are requesting your approval for the use of one of the computer labs that has the 24
student capacity. We understand and recognize that we are almost at the end of the semester,
and some students have financial constraints and might not be able to purchase the necessary

Calderon, Ortega, pg. 2

materials for the seminar. We will be offering those students that decide to enroll the benefit
of obtaining the learning material through Canvas. The only requirement will be for them to
provide and email address prior to beginning the class.
Day1- Purpose of communication: focusing on the three workplace writing purposes that are
to create a record, request information and to persuade.
Day2- Audience of communication: focusing on vocabulary and technical terms.
Day3- Tone of communication; focusing on negative/positive wording.
Day 4- Workplace Writing; Avoiding Abbreviations and acronyms.
Day5- The failure of ethics; 8 basic tips on what not to do.

We are looking forward to your response, feel free to contact us if you have any questions
about the proposal at or .

Yesica Ortega and Xochitl Calderon

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