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Taelen Wilson

Professor Arnold
6 October 2015
Genre Analysis
A business email is very intricate and crucial to the success of an employee
at any type of business. Especially emails that involve the request of fewer or more
hours as an employee. When requesting fewer hours an employee should not come
off as lazy and indifferent to the situation at hand. As oppose to when requesting
more hours a worker wants to seem enthusiastic and determined. Most people in
the working population will eventually have to send one or the other. The
importance on knowing how to write an effective email is essential. For example, I
am very accustomed to emailing managers concerning about my hours. I generally
use the genre when school is close to going on summer break, I ask for more hours
explaining how school is dismissed and I can accommodate with the schedules. In
those emails I make sure I am using formal writing skills, no abbreviations, spell
check on misspelled words, explain the days I can work, the shifts and hours that
are most accommodating, and inform the manager I will be fully dedicated while on
the clock. In comparison to when I am asking for fewer hours, when school is back
in session. I usually explain why the amount of hours has to be decreased, how
much I appreciate their patience, two weeks ahead of the quit time, use of formal
writing skills, no abbreviations, spell check the letter, and the shifts I am able to

Most people use the genre in business encounters generally with managers
to create a level of respect. Allowing the employees and managers to have a clear,
and documented form of communication between one another. Business emails
take care of a variety of subjects; such as: resignations, fewer hours, more hours,
problems in the work force, conflicts between co-workers, conflicts about schedules,
thank you letters for hiring, and complaints about customers. Each email has its
own format on how to address the situation. Creates the relationship of authority
between the two parties. The genre allows a median between the two parties also
serves as an open line of communication. An employee uses formal language when
dealing with a manager or a person of authority. Also can be informative depending
on the situation. When using a formal language you should ignore using profanity,
vulgar terms, and slang words.

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