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Body Paragraphs:

Address topic, define euthanasia and the types of

euthanasia in the world. Talk about morality and what is
considered to be the definition of it.

o I. Story of Matt Donnelly to let audience connect with

o II. Confliction of issue & religion: how religion
determines morality
o III. Criticisms: Family, better treatments, more about
o IV. Importance of understanding suffering- Explain
why euthanasia means dying with dignity
o V. Physicians view; why euthanasia should be
o VI. Individual rights- the right to die
o VII. Effects on medical professionals; Hippocratic
o VIII. Explanation of alternatives: hospice, more pain
meds, other therapy subscribed by doctors
o IIX. The dangers of euthanasia- beneficiaries


Explain my views on the issue, personal

experiences with the issue. Why more research and more
specifics should be gone over before legalization.

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