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—_— Velosyrer AL ler TNK Id tu Vaan alee THEI Le yrorgin FroFF, Molt vie Miguel Noh Eng. 114A 4 ue . lows 00 wR yy 8/31 pakke EVE P ww Not to long ago, smoking was one of social biggest norm for two reasons; one <_——. being lack of knowledge of how bad they are for you, and two, advertisements, Tobacco companies had ads for there cigarettes everywhere! Not just that, they were very strategic lok ads, they targeted adults and teenagers from all the right angels. They made smoking look mt, ov? WDE attractive Besos I believe my advertisement takes a Pathos path to attract, wr, as. you dias ¥ N consumers My ad is a Liicky Strike Ad by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company released in YO°"* (1 9 CO 1945: during World War 2. The Ad is of two women, one a housewife and the other isa he ? (1). women dressed in a navy uniform. Both are very attractive and holding a cigarette. They ys Ry Jed ook avery satese path buy ghposng these two women and how they are presentthe X6 housewife can relate to oon in America, because at the time the majority of y v4 a veal 2 At woven qe oe : ‘women’ occupation was housewives (All women had this mindset that they needed to be the ideal housewife, and to them it looked like this\Men wanted their wives cooking and cleaning and looking this good. Advertisements change our perception of the world one 9 way or another [ne ‘women dressed in the navy uniform attracted all men, especially W%” . soldiers in the wagJNothing may seem more pleasing to a soldier then a woman in uniform supporting the cause, and if she is having a Lucky Strike cigarette, he is going to have one else. In the first fifty years of the twentieth century was when the United States — Awe rose to be wor poets He ang an 8 “eT atl to win the war We dif the power, and we wanted is fuel our ego and smoking was one of them beeause through ads we felt we needed them and to keep us on top of our game And once the ergarette compames’ ads were successful they have claimed consumers for aifetime | ce o yy Me because of how addictive cigarettes can be [spool ke to highlighyAtow the g oe so wt advertisement 1 choose showea pathos through social and sexual app nat this particular ad represents support for the war and a housewife being good at her “job” to lure in consumers. My model agrees with the ad, two,gir|sAf@ving a great time smoking attracts me to try it and eventual purchase the product Ser and over. The ad is persuading people to buy the produpt6y using emotional appeal (pathos), the girls body language are happy and losf zd they have the biggest smiles on their faces. This makes ime feel like I'am missing out on something and I should join in, therefore I tried to recreate that in my model My model targets a specific audience, young adults, they are ‘ones who are adventurous and rebellious and are not thinking of the future, which is a gold mine in the eyes of the tobacco companies. All that is needed is the right ad and you may have a consumer for a lifetime. In my model I tried to recreate the same feel of social appeal and acceptance Ea 1945 Lucky Strike Cigarette AD. Digital image. N p.,n.d. Web My Model

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