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Taelen Wilson

Professor Arnold
28 September 2015

Comparing the written text and visual aid genres while basing them off the
literacy narrative. I prefer the written text only because it takes less creativity, and
is cheaper to write. I had to first buy a book which was around $6.98, a glue stick- .
98 cents, a pair of scissors- $4.98, a magazine- $3.99, print outs at the library$2.10, and markers $1.99. It might not seem like a lot but I am the definition of a
broke college student, my bank account was not very happy as either was I. I do
have a creativity side but it takes a lot to bring it out, I have to brainstorm and really
force myself to come up with unique styles and thoughts. As oppose to the written
text all I have to do is put music on and ideas start flowing almost immediately. Also
with the altered book the concept was vague, I knew it was not supposed to look
like a collage but no matter what it almost did. I tried to be creative and use certain
words the original text already had but vampires and DECA do not flow together.
I like the creativity that had to go in the visual aid, but I like the consistency
of the text. Consistency by having a specific format and easily being able to stick
with it. A writer has rights and wrongs when writing their text which is easy to stick
with. The altered book had very broad rules and almost anything could be
acceptable since it was through the artists eyes.

If the task was a story book I think it could have been very effective with
maybe a visual section that is only beneficial when I cannot form words that truly
describe my thoughts. Then the written section that need more than a picture to
completely understand, and relate to. That could also be easier and allow a merge
between the two items to see the importance in both of them. While also being
somewhat modern by also being able to be a PowerPoint presentation using
technology skills.
The text was the most effective only because adding detail to the story is
easier than adding it in a picture. My opening paragraph in the Literacy Narrative
used a lot of imagery and details that I tried to apply in my altered book but was not
depicted that way. It looked very cluttered and messy unless a reader, read the
narrative first they could become confused on what was being depicted. Which also
made it more difficult to depict certain situations and the lack of literacy that I
experienced. Even though it was also the most creative because it took more
artistic abilities. Abilities I do not possess it becomes a struggle.
Overall both of them taught me which assignment I like when on a time
crunch. If more time was provided the altered book would not have been that bad.
With more time provided I could have came up with new and unique ideas. The oral
part was easier on a time restraint because I knew what needed to be said, and was
able to put it into narrative mode.

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