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The Body Biography Project

Were going to do a project called a body biography. What this means is were going
to combine our artistic skills with our literary analysis skills to study our protagonists.
The idea behind a body biography is to represent a character visually and
metaphorically all at the same time.
Heres what were going to do. Im giving each table a copy of the body biography
worksheet, and I would like for you, as a table, to decide how you want to fill in the
body of your protagonist.
First, tape butcher paper to the floor. One group member should lie on the paper while
others draw an outline of the body in pencil. After the group member gets up, trace the
outline with a marker so it will show.
Next, identify your protagonist:

The protagonist is __________________________.

Choose at least 7 of the following body parts to illustrate. Place these strategically
on the body outline. You will have to support each body part with quotations/passages
from the novel. Write the chapter and page number in parentheses after each quotation
or passage. Group members should label the parts they worked on (everyone should
be doing an equal amount of work), and all members should sign the project. Each
group will present its findings to the class.
HeadIntellectual side of the characterWhat are his or her dreams? Visions?
Philosophies he or she keeps inside?
EyesSeeing through the characters eyesWhat memorable sights affect him or
her? How?
EarsHearing through the characters earsWhat does he or she notice and
remember others
saying to him or her? How is he or she affected?
NoseSmelling through the characters noseWhat smells affect him or her?
MouthThe characters communicationWhat philosophy does the character
What arguments/debates? What song would symbolize the characters philosophy of
What lyrics/images from the song would symbolize his or her philosophy?

ArmsWorkingWhat is the characters relationship to work in general? To

specific work?
HandsThe practical side of the characterWhat conflicts does he or she deal
with? How?
HeartThe emotional side of the characterWhat does he or she love? Whom?
TorsoThe instinctive side of the characterWhat doesnt he or she like about
himself or
herself? What does he or she hide? What brings the character pain? What does he or
she fear?
(Describe his or her dark side.)
LegsThe playful side of the characterWhat does he or she do for fun? What are
his or her
FeetThe characters mobilityWhere has he or she been (literally/figuratively)?
How has he
or she been affected by travel or setting?
WingsThe characters futureWhere is he or she going?

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