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{oI 4 srry seat ene + 62. Peer ‘. jercg wmes| resrcope02112010 FORMTP2010148 [09 | Mavmunezai0 VON 6 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION CHEMUSTRY-UNIT1 Paper ot minutes 26 MAY 210m) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Thistesteonsitsof 4 tems. You willhave 90 minutes toanswer ther, Inaddition this tet booklet, youshouldhave an answer sheet snd Data Booklet, ach tein thistesthas four suggested answers letered(A),(B) (©) (D). Readeach item you sreabout io answer and decide which choices best ‘Onyouranswer sheet fndte number whichcorespondsto youritemandshadethespseehaving ‘he ame letras the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item Below Sampleem ‘Whictofthefllowing isthe HIGHEST energy eansion nan organic compound? wor ‘Sample Answee awe (© swor @0@e ® ror The best answer tots item isto a>", soanswer space (C) has been shaded, you wanttochange your answer, be suretoeraseitcompltely before youfillinyournew choice. ‘When youaretold begin, ture page and work as quickly ands carefully s youcan Ifyou cannotanswer anim, omit and goontothenextene. Youray return tothe omited item late. ‘Your score willbe thetotal number of comet answer. ‘Youray doany rough wekinthisbooklet Figures are notnccesarily drawn osc These file non programmable calcultorsisallowed. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO, Copyright © 2009 Cuitoean Examinations Cound, Allighsreserved 21120101CAFE2010 farseatiens 4 fama 4 1. AradioactveetementMofmass number A, §, and stomie number 7, undergoes decay, followed by a decay. The final element, wile Wan @ YN 6 © fN @) EIN 2. What isthe average relative atomic mass of ‘bromine, gvea he following topic masses and lative abundance? 1 "B= 505% "Br —495e, 7899 ® m0 © 19 (©) sor 3. AnionZ?conains28 protons. Whalisihe 8. ectronic configuration of" (a) tad saat ® aaa © tases © fanaese 4. A bond resus rom the overtapping of w ® © o ‘vo sorbitls fone sand oe portal . twoperbialsend-on two porbfale sideways cat 2010caPE2010 ‘Which ofthe following factors increases the firstionisaton energy ofa stm? (A) Greater nuclear charge @) Lageratomic rads (©) Largee numberof valence electrons (D) Increased sereening. by inner elsrons ‘Thebonds in SO jon are BEST described (A) covateetand polar @) —lenicandpole (©) polezcovtlent nd single (D) _polarcovslent and doe es inthe PH, molecule ae the sameastbitofNC,.Isshape would BEST Be deserted os )—dipyamica (pyramidal (©) tetrahedral (©) ogee ‘ich of te fllowing stra abonS dof hydrogen and 5d of oxygen at 0°C and TOLKPs? They (A) comtain the same number of molecules (B) possess the sme amountof kinetic energy (©) reactcompltly witheach other ©) reacto proce 5 da of water Which ofthe following solids has a giant molecular aie? (A) Copper ®) —Catondiorie (© Magnesiumoxise () Sibeondionie GOON TOTHE NEXT PAGE 10, Thesimplest formula for compound tt contains SO% S and SO% Oby assis w so ® so, © so © so, ‘A piece of copper metals placed iver ‘ita solution, a shown inthe digram teow seen fj Aat0, 0) U1, Whichofite following would MOST ikely beobserved? (A) Copper meta dissolves and the solsion remain coos, (®) Copper metal is deposited andthe ‘elution tums bie, (© Silvera forms andthe solution remains colures. (©) Silvermeal forms andthe soltion ‘ume bl. 12. A gas ina syringe occupies a volume of 50 cm? and has a pressure of 0.49346 !kmospheres. What is the presure ofthe ifthe plunger of te ring is pushedin, ‘reducing the volume ofthe gas to 20 em? (Lamogphere = 101325 Pa) w 20%P )_105kPa (©) 200004 ©) 1250004 eaii10caPE2010 3. 13. 4. 1s, ‘Which of the fllowing ene is MOST Kiely tobehaveike an ideal gas? (A) Amenonia Helium (© Metane ©) Oyga Hem 14 eer tothe following informatio, ‘The enthalpy of slain of sium cherie at 298 K can be calculated from the data siventelow, NaCl) + Neg) + Cg): AH =+7871 met! Na") + water + Naviag AH =-406 kd mot! Clg) + water + Crag: AH=377d mot! ‘Which isthe coret vale for the enthalpy fsa? () ~1s70IE mor ® ~4smor" © +4kImor ©) F570 mor What is the standard heat of reaction (OH) at 101-325 kPa of pressure and 298K Torte equation giventeiow? Zn(s)+ CW a9) > Zn" a9) + Cus) AH ean = 4644 mol for Cu A nee ==152.4I mot for 2a" AH ate = Ofor both Za and Cu 2170 mor" ®) -880kTmor (© s88.0Kbmor* © 2am GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE 16. 1. ss 4 ‘Terme law fora giventeaction x Rate= k [AP [B). Whatace the units fork? wot dns ®) ml days © wet dn! 51 4 et © mat EMIT refers tothe table whic shows the rte resus forthe reaction ABC [ Experiment | Tay Eerie | | ult) i 10 | 10 00 | om Docreeter What ithe overall ore ofthe reaction? ze @) Fine (© Second ©) Thi em Lf refesto the following information, ‘The totamam dicen of seeders attwotemperatiesT, and, isshowntelow | j rahe engeret te tiona number of meus avng he ata enety, FB, atthe higher temperature? w x ® y © xe © xy GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02112010CAPE2010 19. Which ofthe following statemens does NOT vefer to a system in dynamic ube? (A) Treresction severe {8} Theamountsofalthe epeciesinthe sjstem remainconstan, (©) Theconcentations of al reactants and products areequl (D) Theeae ofthe forard reaction is ‘equal to the rte ofthe ackard 20, For he resetion Hy(@+h(@) =P 2HUG) reaching cain at 444°C, at atmpressue, the value K,, 50, What is the value of Kyat a pressure of 2 tio atthe same temperature? wm 3 ® 9 © 1 ©) 2% 21, Inthe Haber pees, NJ@)+34,@) 2NH,@), aH =-90 amor ‘he MAXIMUM yield ofanmoiaiscbained (A) gh temperature and low pressre (B) hightemperature and high pressure (© low temperature and high pressure {D) _lowtempersture and lowpresire 22, Which of the following acids is the WEAKEST? aaa |, Golda) w 49x10" ® 17a10" © 63x10 o feria) e2112010CAPE2010 23. pur ethanol (C3H,0H), te following quam canexis witharmoniumions. NHy + GHOH = NH, + CHOHS Which of the following combinations describes the function of NH, and H,OH sccording to BronstedLowry theory? NH c HoH (Acid ase @) Base acid (©) Conjugaeacid base (D) Acie conjugate se tem 24 refers to the figure below which shows the pH change s propanoie acd is ‘red wih sodium hydroxide, "Wl of oa rena nase) 24, Which indicator is MOST suitable for this Indiestor (a) Trymoibive (®) Metiylorange (© Metyired (D) Prenoipiialen «83-100 GOON TO THENEXT PAGE 6 25. A bulfer is made by solving 288g of sodium benzoate, C,H,COONS, in Id of (0.4 mo dim? henzoie sci, CH,COOH, Kec uio “644% 10°mol da. The ofthe buleris w 23 @ 39 © 2 ©) 50 26, Thesolubily proc, 31298 K forthe (Group inet suiphaies given below, Kepian) caso, 24x10 1 sso, 32x10" MH Baso, 16x 108 Which metal sulphate woul precipitate out of solution equal volumes of 10° mold? ‘olution containing the sulphate on nd the Group meta are mixed? (A) Tooly @) Land tonly (©) Mandi onty ©) Maan 27. Barium carbonates more soluble in water ‘han in aqueous sodium earbonte because (A) alba sls arinsohble (B) barium on anne place sodium (© sodium srbonate soni but barium ‘caboose isnot (@) —acommanioneffectis present inthe 'BsCO/Na,CO, mixture e2112010CAPE2010 2, tem 28 refers othe electrochemical cell sow Zo) 125 (49) (05) Aas) Fm which aie electrons oii? Avian) A819 @) 2069/2009) (©) A teQvAgts) 1205) 250) (Dy Zoo) 7205) 11 Ag a9) /AG(9) em29 referstothefllowing diagram. amet e504 (9) 1 mela Za 504 (00) Which of the fllowing does NOT cecurin ‘hecell shown sbove? (A) Electrons flow through the wire {tom the zine tothe magnesiuo lzctrode, (B)—_Magpesium ions migrate ino the salt wide (© Novcurrent flows when the sal ‘widge sremoved. (©) The reaction atthe magnesium cece is Mg(@) —> Ma (ag)+ 26, GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE ‘tem refers tothe diagram ofthe hydrogen electrode below Sake ge 30, What needs tobe changed o give this hydrogen clcrode an E*=.00V 2 (A) Theconcentation of H ions @) The metal ws forthe elecvode (©) The temperature ofthe gs ©) Thepressuof ihe a 31. Wich owing graphs BEST itsrats the varationn mon points of th elrentsNato Ar? Ming ating | w= a | | | rat wee WETS 32, TheciementP, in EC hasan oxidation tate of won ® 3 © 4 o 3 GOONTOTHENEXT PAGE cai r010cAPE2010 33. Which othe folowing sets of properties iste forthe oxide of sulphur? Property of Oxide 1 1 I Vv Sate at 25-C soit [sone tigsid | as ‘Bondingandsirvctreinoxde | Toniclanice | Gianecovalent | Covalent | Covalent rmolecuar | moleclar PHtofaqueoussotaion | 10 7 Ir 3 wot @ « © it o Ww 34. Calcium carbonate decomposes ata Jower 36. The high mckng point of graphite can be temperature than barium cabonate because “ ® © © 35. Groopliclementsofthe perio tabletave “ ® © © calelum oxide i fess sable than ium oxide a the calm ion is frger than the ‘rium ion the aie energy of clam oxide ‘sage thn that of barium oxide my ‘hestandad enthalpy of formation of aleum onde isles egatve than that of acim oxide avvibuted othe ser. ayers (A) delocalized ectons exagerlarangementf tecarbon (© strong covalent bonds within the van der Waals forces between the 37. Silicon dionidehasasuctre sina ttt high meting pits butlow densities ‘of diamond. What are the advantages de "ved from using sillean dioxide ceramics ‘when compared withsee!? ighmeting pons andi cleric 1. Slcondioxisesestiely odor ‘conde under compression. low densities but high electrical H. _Siicon dioxide has higher meting conducts om, low metingpointsand poor acca IL, Sten sboxidesmoreresisantoox- ‘conduiies caton ) Landttonly () Tanditoaly (© Manditionty ©) Manat (021120101CAFE2010 GOON TOTHENEXTPAGE it” 38. Based on its postion in Group VI ofthe ii table, asain, treo temperature Send pressue,s MOSTlely 2 sia Bit (©) owngas ) colowesens 39, Which of the folowing is NOT formed ‘when chlorine reacts with hot aqueous ska? KO ® Nc © Nacio ©) NxCi0, 40, The species containing ions of molecules linked toa cena stom by coordinate bonds iskrownss i (ign | (®)compex | (© caalyst (@) coordination number | cad. refers tothe information below. | Tag a | lement [Meine | 1 ss 0 41, Thetrnsin elements are MOST likely (a) Ionly ()Landttonty (©) taney (D) Manatttonly o2112010CAPE2010 2, Cu spite gives (2) ndeepbluesolution with excess Haq) » a yellow-green solution with excess ‘oncentted HCI Which ofthe following can be deduced from these cbservatios? 1. Thecomples ion (Cu(NH),isformed in. [CuCVHL) 2 has a higher stability constant than (Cu(HO) HL [CUCL as a lower stability constant than (CuO) (A) Lanattonly @) Landtoaly (©) Manditoaty ©) Liana “The ionic equton fr thefomation ofchorium Iyxie oechreriun sulphate ad die NH (a) is (Cry + OFF q+ CLOH ©) Crag) + 30H ag) + CHORD, ©) Cag) + OF (ap > CHOH a) ©) CH+301 0) + COND, GOON TOTHENEXT PAGE ‘im 4 refers tothe folowing information, Wit precipitate White precipitate soluble in excess insole in exces 44, Which oF te following reagents does NOT inthe ienicaon of"? (A) Aqueous KI () —Dikeezicr (©) Dilte HNO, (D) Die H.S0, Nem 45 refers tothe folowing information, ‘Aqueous BaCl, followed by excess die HCI is added to EACH of four unknowa, solution. il an. The following observations are noted. 1. Avwhite precipitates formed which dssolvesin de acidto liberate aga which ‘ecolurises MnO 7H) TL Nopreiptate is formed. IIL, Aden whit precipitates formed whichis insoluble inexces aid TV, Awhiteprecipiateis formed hat dissolves inthe cit liberates pas, which formsa white precipitate with CaO) a), 45. Which ote following option corel etfs the ons which may be present in EACHsoliter? 1 0 a v 30, o Heo; co» ® sox No, so co © soz o s coz . © so, No; coe TPYOUFINISHBEFORE TIMEIS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THISTEST. e2t120101cAPE2010

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