Annotated Bibliography 112

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Dillan Lee

Eng 112-54
October 27, 2015
Annotated Bibliography

Lee, Dillan.
I am using myself as a primary resource since I have knowledge on this subject. I
myself am exploring religions.
I intend on answering the three questions I have listed based off my prior
knowledge. I have close friends that have found themselves and theyve shared
their experience with me.
Vincent, Chris. "The Journey of Self-Discovery." Web log post. TopVincent.Com RSS.
Chris Vincent Agyapong Febir, 10 Mar. 2013. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
The author studied communication with a major in sociology and law fro, Newham in
I would consider this source secondary because although it answers my question
about religion and self-discovery it is a blog. Therefore its mostly personal opinion
and not fact. However I did find the information given very resourceful.
I plan on using the authors blog on experimenting with spirituality because it
answers my question why do people feel the need to find themselves in religion?
I like how the author list questions for the reader to ask themselves as they
continue their journey on finding the right religion. I like the style of writing the
author uses. He used a formal tone which made the text easier to understand. Also
it helped me get a better understanding of what it means to find religion.
Hallisey, Charles. "Buddha: In His Time and Ours." The World & I 14.10 (1999): 294303.
ProQuest. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.
The author Charles Hallisey is John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Humanities in
Sanskrit and Indian Studies at Harvard University.
This is a secondary source: this book answers more than just the question Im
researching an answer to, it gives great insight into the meaning of this faith. The
focus is the religion of Buddhism and the concept of Buddha being a condition
rather than a person, it tells the story if his path to ending suffering and what it

I found this source to be somewhat useful. It answered my question Why do people

feel the need to find themselves.
I like how the title holds truth to what is written in the book. It gives some detail on
the life and after death of Buddha. However I feel like it couldve went into more
detail of Gautamas life and the path he took to enlightenment. The author doesnt
provide and suggestions for further reading or research. Also the text did help me
understand the topic, it helped me think of other religions where the founder and
followers chose to find themselves.
Robert, David. "Jon Krakauer + Sean Penn: Back Into the Wild." Into the Wild.
National Geographic, n.d. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.
The author David Roberts is an award winning writer and adventurer. He writes
blogs and articles for national geographic website.
The focus of the article is the background of the director and producer of the movie.
Also the article has a breakdown of Christopher McCandless whole life leading up to
his death. Including answers to what made Christopher leave his family behind.
I would use information from this article to answer my question Why do people feel
the need to find themselves?
I would consider this to be a general internet source. There is a significant amount
of information, personal information that I could not find on the Christopher
McCandless website. I feel as if the information I obtained is valuable because of its
source. In the passage, the author is interviewing the directors of Into the wild. I
believe them to be knowledgeable of the life and death of Christopher because of
their close communication with his family and sister.
Reshma, Memon Y. "Hajj Journal ; A Pilgrim to Mecca Embarks on the Journey of a
Lifetime." Toronto Star: 1. Apr 15 2000. ProQuest. Web. 30 Oct. 2015 .
The author Reshama Memon is a writer for Toronto star, in Toronto, Ontario.
In her article she describes the adventure of a woman on her pilgrimage to mecca.
She talks elaborates on what its like to take that journey and why people take the
journey. Also she gives detailed descriptions on the womans surroundings and
shocking events that take place.
I would use the information given from this article to answer my question, What
kind of journeys do people take to explore themselves?
I would consider this to be a secondary source, because it doesnt give a lot of
information. However it does answer my question. This article is very specific
because of its extensive detail on events that take place. Just about anyone can
read this article and use the information for personal gain. I wouldnt recommend it
for a research paper because it is simply just a story. The text is neither personal
opinion nor is there any academic support provided. Although it is a personal story
on someones adventure.
McCandless, Christopher Johnson, Mary Ellen. Barnes, Walt McCandless, Heather
Horton, and Gloria J. Davis. Back to the Wild: The Photographs and Writings of
Christopher McCandless. St. George, UT: Twin Star, 2011. Print.

The author Christopher McCandless died in the process of writing his book. He is
famous adventure who want to live life to the fullest. Traveling the western plains is
where he made history.
The movie tells the story of his life, significant events that happened on his journey
and his unfortunate death. Also it shows the events that ultimately led Christopher
to leave his home and explore the world on his own.
This movie relates to my topic because it answers my question on Why do people
feel the need to explore themselves?
This movies is not only my movie source but I could possibly end up being my
primary source. Simply because it has a lot of information that answer my question
and possible future questions. The ideas from the text dont differ much from other
authors Ive cited because theme is the same. The author does provide some
references in the movie, I would most likely find information in the authors choice
of literature. The author provides a specific overview of the life and what led him to
his death.

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