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Benjamin Waldman

Meme Reflection ~
1. Why did you pick the theme you used? Try to give 2 - 3 sentences for your response to this
I chose to theme my meme on being a Libertarian. The man reason for choosing this theme
was that it is uncommon, and I figured not many of my peers would theme their meme off
something political. I take pride in my beliefs and hopefully brought some humor into it as
2. Going panel by panel, please explain each picture you selected, along with the caption each is
paired with. Why use that image? Since you have six panels, consider this portion should have
six distinct sentences (minimum) for its answers.
From the six images I chose, I began with a picture of a hippy holding up a peace sign with
the caption What Republicans think I do. I chose this because many, although not all,
Republicans believe Libertarians to be completely free-spirited and so called stoners. The
second image is a business man in a fancy suit smoking a fancy cigar all while lighting a
stack of cash money with the caption What Democrats think I do. This is because a
majority of Democrats see Libertarians as no better than the Republicans out there just to
make excessive amounts of money without reasoning. Thirdly, the image in the third panel
depicts a person rebelling against government in an anarchy shirt and flames behind him
with the caption What my parents think I do. While it is true that Libertarians want a
limited government, especially on the federal level, often times my relatives or parents
believe that I want absolutely no government at all which is a not quite what Libertarians
hope for. In the fourth panel is an image showing a group of people in the middle of a
disagreement that seems to be getting out of hand with the caption What my friends think
I do. Many of my friends, who tend to be more left-winged liberals, do not enjoy talking
politics with me due to my arguments against them. Truthfully, Libertarians had the word
Liberal taken from them by the left-winged thinkers, and now people rarely are willing
to listen to our side at all. The fifth image I chose was one of an American Revolution
soldier with the caption What I think I do. This picture and caption represent how I feel
about my beliefs quite well. I must admit that I often believe I am correct in a discussion
when in reality I could be taking my beliefs a bit too far. Lastly, in the six panel is a picture
of me with the Young Americans for Liberty group here at UNCC with the caption What I
really do. I am a dues paying member for this group and hope to become an officer in the
near future. In the image we are seen holding a banner for free speech that we had many
students sign a couple weeks ago.
3. What do you hope a reader will take away upon reading your meme? Consider what you
hope the reader will learn about you, in some fashion, such as how your choice of material might
convey about you.
I hope that the reader sees my interest in politics and how my views are often perceived.
Also, I hope to have brought some humor to the subject.

4. If you were to rate the quality of your work on a scale of 0 - 10, where would you place your
work? Why so? Consider that 0 would indicate a complete lack of effort, a total phoning in of
work without consideration of content; however, a 10 would be sheer brilliance on your part to
be insightful and careful crafting of your work to the best of your ability.
I would rate my work as an 8 on a scale of 0-10. I say this because I put time and effort into
it and met all requirements, yet it was not quite perfect.

Peer feedback:
1. Keep topic
2. Make captions more visible
3. Overall its very good
-Constance Barr
1. Keep the pictures
2. Bigger font
3. Good job
-Ashleigh Wallis
1. Keep the topic
2. Make lettering more visible
3. I really liked it
-Lee Seaman
1. Keep the subject
2. Make words on last slide more visible
3. Overall: political and unique
-Nikita Mikhail

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