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Jos Luis B.
Fernando Ortiz J.

Instituto Profesional Virginio Gmez

Jose: Hi, How are you?

Fernando: Hi, Fine, thanks, what about you?
Jose: Very good, thanks. Will you travel to Santiago?
Fernando: No, the next weekend why?
Jose: Would you like to go play football tomorrow?
Fernando: I cant . I am going to stick with my exercise routine.
Jose: Is it a tiring exercise rutine?
Fernando: Yes, i go to the gym to do my routine completely and finish very
Jose: I understand, do you consume any special food?
Fernando: I eat healthy food as fruits, milk, vegetables in general protein and
Jose: Why do you go to the gym?
Fernando: I go to the gym to be healthy and fit. What will you do tonight?
Jose: If i have wanted, I will go to the pub... come on?
Fernando: Ok... also my Everyone friends went to the pub
Jose: but we could start drinking whisky at home...
Fernando: okay, see you tonight
Jose: Bye Fernando
Fernando: Bye Jose

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