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Turkey & Saudi Arabia

Priyapa, Purich, Suphasuta

Where is Turkey?
Physical Geography of Turkey
Human Geography of Turkey
Todays Issue

Where is Turkey?
Located in Western Asia and Southeastern Europe
39.1667 degrees N and 34.6667 degrees E
Shares land borders with 8 countries: Greece, Bulgaria, Syrian Arab
Republic, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia

Physical Geography of Turkey

Area: 783,562 square kilometres.
97 percent of area is located in the Asian side
Turkey is surrounded by four seas: Black Sea, Marmara Sea, Aegean
Sea, and Mediterranean.
Capital city: Ankara

The country has 8333 kilometeres coastline.

The country is mountanious.
The country has about 200 lakes, which covers 9200 sq. kilometres.

Central Turkey:
These areas have a steppe climate with hot, dry summers, cold winters.
Eastern Turkey:
Long snowy, cold winters with mild summers.
Southeast Turkey:
These areas have a hot summer with mild, rainy winters.

Human Geography of Turkey

Turkey contains around 74.93 Million people
Life expectancy around 74.86 Years of Age
30 percent of the population is under 15 years.
40 percent of the population live in the countryside.
The population density is highest on the tourist, business and
industrial areas, and lowest in the rural areas.

Islam exerts a great influence over the culture and life at Turkey.
The official language of Turkey is Turkish.
Wearing certain garments typical to Islamic custom
White bean is the national food of the land eaten by every Turk.
Raki or an aniseed-flavored grape brandy is the national drink.

On 25 December 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolved, which
resulted in many countries in Central Asia and Caucasia gaining their
In the 90s, countrys first priority regarding the issue of Central Asia became the
recognition of the young Turkic countries by the international community.

Bronze age
- Troy 3000 BC - 700 BC (2,300 yrs of Rule)
Iron age
- Lydia 685 BC - 547 BC (138 yrs of Rule)
Classical age
- Armenian / Roman Empire 190 BC - 330 AD (140 yrs of Rule)
Ottoman Era 1299 - 1922 (623 yrs of Rule)
Republic of Turkey 1919 - 2015 (Present) (96 yrs and Counting)

Todays Issue
Voting to the sound of explosions (31st Oct 2015)
Turkish police have raided a newspaper and TV studio in Istanbul that is critical toward the
ruling government
The police used tear gas and a water cannon, according to local media reports
Protests were going on
Ankara got bombed
Said to be carried out by Islamic State, Kurdish militants or radical leftist groups.

The AKP, led by President Tayyip Erdogan won the election

Where is Saudi Arabia
Physical Geography of Saudi Arabia
Human Geography of Saudi Arabia
Todays Issue

Where is Saudi Arabia?

Located in the continent of Asia
24.0000 degrees N and 45.0000 degrees E
Saudi Arabia shares land borders with 8 countries: Kuwait, Israel, Iraq, Yemen,
Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Jordan.

Physical Geography of Saudi Arabia

Area: 1,969,000 square kilometer
Saudi Arabia is high and mountainous
In many areas the terrain is deeply eroded
and rugged
Bordering the plateau are three of Saudi
Arabia's largest and most barren deserts--the Nefud in the north, the Dahna in the
east, and the Rub al Khali (Empty Quarter)
in the south

Summers are intensely hot, especially in the interior.
Here temperatures average above 32 C.and daytime highs sometimes reach
more than 49 C.
Summers are extremely oppressive along the coasts
Daytime winter readings are occasionally high, but nights are invariably cool.

Human Geography of Saudi Arabia

The population of the country is
estimated to be around 30 millions
citizens, with 9 million additional
The country receives a large number of
foreigners who are Muslims every
year for the Islamic practices.

Workers are mainly employed in construction 26%, retail 22% and service
industries 15%.
Births per day 7,267 people, deaths per day 1,396 people

Traditional fare includes spicy dishes made with pita bread, rice, lentils, grains,
lamb and chicken.
Has been shaped by its Islamic heritage, its historical role as an ancient trade
center, and its Bedouin traditions.

The highlights of the year are the holy month of Ramadan and the Hajj
(pilgrimage) season
Saudi Arabian women are required to cover their bodies in abaya (black robes
and face coverings).

After World War II, steady oil exports provided the funds to build a
basic infrastructure of roads, airports, seaports, schools and
In 1970, Saudi Arabia introduced the first of a series of ongoing fiveyear development plans to build a modern infrastructure
Today, the Kingdom offers a highly developed infrastructure to
support economic growth and investment

Todays Issue
Saudi suffragettes: Women register to vote for the first time in
Saudi Arabia
Since the 1930s, the official religion of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
has been a strict Salafi interpretation of Sunni Islam.
Based on this interpretation of the religion, Saudi Arabia employs an
informally established guardianship system over women.
The system does not afford women many freedoms.

Saudi women are not, for example, allowed to drive. Nor can they
travel or go to school without a male guardian.
According to local media, women will be able to vote and run in
elections held in December of this year
Marking a step forward for proponents of womens rights in a country
that has received heavy criticism for its treatment of women.




Krebe (Turkey)
Ghommemah (Saudi Arabia)

Works Cited
Turkey: Riot police storm opposition media group Koza Ipek in Istanbul ahead of key elections. (2015, October 28). Retrieved
November 2, 2015, from
Social, Economic and Political Development. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from
Saudi suffragettes: Women register to vote for the first time in Saudi Arabia. (2015, August 24). Retrieved November 2, 2015.
Culture & Art. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from
Saudi Arabia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2, 2015, from

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