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Description: This is my certificate for MATH A LIVE EXHIBITION I get

it when I was in year three, that because I participate in this activity.

Justification: I work to explain for visitors about every learning machine

and how we use math in everything in our life. I taught the visitors how they
can use those machine.
I chose this certificate because in that year, I achieved a big change on
myself, which is having good communicate skills with other people without
feeling shy.

Communication skills is very important for each teacher, because this skills
will help them to have good communication with students also they can help
the students from motivate them to learn (Ellis, 2002).

Description: This picture show the MATH A LIVE EXHIBITION that

located at Ras AlKhaima Woman Collage. It includes more than 10
educational game for math. Me as a member in Math A live team, I have to
describe each game for the visitors who are coming from different schools
for boys and girls and different ages.
Justification: from being member in Math A live team I was develop some
of my skills such as, teamwork skills. In team working skills I learn how to
trust to other to sharing my ideas and feeling, listen carefully to others views
and respect their opinion, and we learn how to gives each other a positive
support to do his work completely (Anderson, 2004).

Ellis, R., & ebrary, I. (2002). Communication skills: Stepladders to success
for the professional. Oxford: Intellect.
Anderson, J. (2004). Teamwork: Interactive tasks to get students talking.
England: Delta Publishing.

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