Cheevaphantusri Second Observation Lesson Plan Hunger Games

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EDIS 5882

Hunger Games Anticipation Guide

Unit Title or Big Idea/Concept/Skill: Pre-reading
Lesson Title or focusing skill and/or concept: Anticipation guide/making predictions and
connecting to text
Critical Learning Objectives being taught in this lesson:
Please number each of the objectives.
Cognitive (know/understand):
Students will understand that there are many ways to look at things.
Students will understand that sometimes what they think may not always be right.
Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:
Students will value the differences in opinions that everyone have.
Performance (do):
Students will be able to see things from many point of views.
SOLs: [List with numbers portrayed in the SOL document]
6.5 e) Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning.
CCSs: [List with numbers portrayed in the CCS document]
Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of assessment used in
this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a future lesson. After each assessment,
indicate in brackets the number(s) of the related lesson objectives that the assessment is
Diagnostic Assessment Mini discussion about anticipation guides
Formative assessment
Procedures/Instructional Strategies
[Note: Any words that represent what I would say directly to students appear in italics.]
Beginning Room Arrangement:
[Changes in this arrangement that become necessary later will be noted in the plan]
Anticipation guide

1 - Talk about what anticipation guides are [2-3 mins]

Does anyone know what anticipation guides are?

Possible teacher-student conversation: (5 minutes)

(Remember to allow wait time)
S: Is it the different questions we have to answer before we start reading?
S: Oh, I think there were sentences where we had to say we agree or disagree.
S: The one we did before?
S: Yeah, I think that was the one.
T: Yes, thats correct. Does anyone remember what we use anticipation guides for?
S: To uh anticipate?
T: Okay, whats an easier word for anticipate?
S: To expect?
S: Predict or guess?
T: Very good. So what are anticipation guides used for?
S: To help us guess whats going to happen?
T: Yes, in a way it is. Anticipation guides are used to help you prepare for what you will
encounter in your readings. The anticipation guides include statements that touch on the big
things in the novel.

2 - Read aloud and complete anticipation guide [5-7 mins]

Your handout is an anticipation guide (show them the handout).
I will read aloud the statements and I want you to write A for agree or D for disagree next

to each statement.
Teacher will read each statement allow and give about 30 seconds of wait time for students to
think and write down their answers.

3 - Whole class discussion - [7-10 mins]

Next, the teacher will go through each statement and ask for a class vote (show of hands) for
agree or disagree for each statement. Teacher will ask minority of students to share first (for
example, if only three people in the class disagree to a statement, the teacher will ask those
students to defend their opinion and then after that allow any disputes) and go on with the class
4- Exit ticket:
Ask students to complete an exit ticket:
On a piece of paper, please write down a prediction/inference about the novel that we are about
to read based on the activity that we just did. For example I think that we are going to read a
story about a girl who has to take care of her own family because of the first anticipated guide
Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my students:
Students are provided with a visual copy of the anticipation guide and the statements will be read
aloud. The activity is broken down and has lots of scaffolding. Teacher will give examples of the
statements to students who need more help explaining the statements even though they are
already pretty straight forward and are easy to understand.
Materials Needed:
List all the materials you will need to conduct this lesson. Please indicate how many of each you
will need if it is more than one.
- Anticipation guide handout
Materials Appendix: (e.g., supplementary texts, Ppts, overheads, graphic organizers,
handouts, etc.)
Include all materials or links to those materials here.

Anticipation Guide for The Hunger Games

For each of the below statements, write in the column marked Before Reading an A if you
agree with it, or a D if you disagree with it. After reading the book, revisit this sheet and in the
column marked After Reading, write the answer the main character would give to these
Before Reading

After Reading
1) Older siblings need to
take care of and
responsibility for
their younger siblings.
2) It is okay to steal
something if you or your
family really needs it.
3) Reality TV is an exciting
form of entertainment.
4) There are some
situations where its okay
to break the
law. Some rules are made to
be broken.
5) If a government is
oppressive, the citizens of
the country need to do
something about it.

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