Edci Project 2

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Chelsey Kiger

EDCI 270
Part 1

Document A: Professors Phelps List of Library Locations

Professor Phelps List of Library Locations
___E__1st Floor-Reference Room
___A__2nd Floor-Reference Section
______3rd Floor-Reference Section
______1st Floor-Main Stacks
__C,B_2nd Floor-Main Stacks
______3rd Floor-Main Stacks
___D__1st Level-Periodical Stacks
___D__2nd Level-Periodical Stacks
___D__3rd Level-Periodical Stacks

Part 2

Davies R., Dean, D., & Bal, N. (2013). Flipping the classroom and
instructional technology
integration in a college-level systems spreadsheet course. Educational
Research & Develepoment, 61(4), 563-580
Martin F., Mitchell, L., & Glance, D. (2013). Flipping the sociology classroom:
Towards a practice
of online pedagogy. Journal of Sociology, 49(4), 471-485.
Herreid, C., & Schiller, N. (2013). Case Studies and the Flipped Classroom.
Journal of College
Science Teaching, 42(5), 62-66.
Park, Y., & Bonk, C. (2007). Synchrounous Learning Expiernces: Distance and
Learners Perspectives in a Blended Graduate Course. Journal of
Interactive Learning, 6(3), 245-264
Strayer, J. (2012). How learning in an inverted classroom influences
cooperation, innovation
and task orientation. Learning Environments Research, 15(2), 171-193.

Part 3
This study investigated educators current knowledge on cyberethics.
Out of 318 surveryors, most of them were unprepared to teach cyberthics,
cybersecurity, and cybersaftey.

Pusey, P. p., & Sadera, W. b. (2011). Cyberethics, Cybersafety, and

Cybersecurity: Preservice Teacher Knowledge, Preparedness, and the
Need for
Teacher Education to Make a Difference. Journal Of Digital Learning In
Education (International Society For Technology In Education), 28(2),

This article touches on many subjects in relation to using the internet

for education. It talks about plagiarism, copyright, privacy, safety, and etc.

Whittier, D. (2006). Cyberethics in the Googling Age. Journal of Education,


In this study Thomas Froehlich surveyed several broad categories that

establish information ethics: censorship, copyright, fair use, and codes of
ethics, and etc. He decided that the most important issue revolving around
cyberethics is the unlimited access to unfiltered information.

Frohmann, B. (2008). Subjectivity and Information Ethics. Journal Of The

Society For Information Science & Technology, 59(2), 267-277.

Part 4

Part 5
Information Literacy
What is Information Literacy? Information Literacy is the ability to
realize that information is needed and be able to locate, evaluate, and
effectively use information for the problem youre facing. Information literacy
is important because it is necessary for educational development. Because
information is so readily available, the need for information literacy is great.
As a student and future teacher, it is necessary for me to have
information literacy. When I am teacher I will need to access and utilize new
information. As a young adult, I am still learning and I have to use the
internet and the library to obtain new information. I have to be able to find
and interpret the information given. As a future teacher I will have to use the
internet and other resources to find information that I was not taught in
college or things that werent even relevant at the time.
Informational literacy holds one of the greatest impacts on the
classroom. As a teacher, the ISTE creates standards to help cope with the
development of technology. Teachers are expected to be informationally
literate. They have to be able to find, understand, and utilize information
found on the Internet and other resources. The need for informational
literacy is great because anything can be found, any day, at any minute, with
the touch of a button. The ISTE creates standards to impact the learner by
focusing on the education and ability of teachers. Technology has a big
impact on the classroom atmosphere. It is necessary to utilize the tools
technology has given us in order to give the student a well-rounded

With information being readily available at anytime, copyright, fair use,

and Creative Commons have become a big issue surrounding informational
literacy. Teachers have to know their rights to information and the person
who owns the informations right too. When gaining access to information,
educators have to know their limits. For example, if a teacher buys a
program from a company, she can not copy it and distribute it to every
teacher in the school for free. The owner of the company was granted
copyrights to their product. They were given the ability to reproduce and sell
their product and that educator took away both of those rights by
distributing it for free. Fair use is also a big issue when looking at copyright
infringements. Fair use can be a defense against copyright infringement
claims. An example of fair use is quoting a few lines of a song while doing a
music review. You can quote those lines, but you must give credit to the
artist or the writer of the song. Creative Commons is a way to gain a
copyright. It is something that is used before copyright infringement claims
are made.
Technology has impacted the need for increased information literacy.
Technology has played a big role in the classroom because it is used for
almost everything. It has impacted the way we live and it isnt going to go
away, it is only going to get more advanced. Education must evolve with
technology. As we make technological advances, education must make
strides with technology in the classroom. Students need access to
technology while learning. Technology is only going to help students learn.

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