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Erfan Al-Hossami
Professor Malcolm Campbell
English 1103
Topic Proposal: Virtual world with real life awards
Im interested in Virtual reality and the way it impacts our lives. Ive been playing video
games since I was 5 years old. Video games have shaped my learning preferences, passion, some
of my social character, and developed strong traits within me. The virtual world has been
impacting most human lives more than ever all around the globe and specifically in since 2003.
The gaming industry boomed in 2003 and more complex and entertaining games have been
created. With that said I will be doing my Extended Inquiry Project on how a specific type of
video games called MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) can change
what we are capable of as human beings.
MMORPGs-Or Virtual World Games (interchangeable term) - are special type of video
games in which the user creates and plays a created character in a virtual world. Each world has
its own problems to solve, rewarding missions to accomplish, and recently after the evolution of
the Internet (around 2003) the ability to play with millions of other players all around the world.
Debates occur about whether these time-consuming games are beneficial or not and pros and
cons of it will be discussed throughout my research. My research should prove that MMORPG
gaming can help us become better human beings.

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Through some of my reading I learned that a big misconception about gamers is that they are
mostly High-Schoolers and teenagers; however the average age of MMORPG (MMO for short)
players is about 26 years. As a matter of fact 50% of MMO players work in a full-time job; 36%
of the players are married and 22% have children. Given that information, a broad group of
people is impacted by these games. The first step in playing MMOs is creating an avatar.
Psychologists agree that creating an Avatar is either an extension of oneself, a creation of ones
imagination or someone one wishes to become. Real Life has limitations, while avatar can
simply reveal the suppressed desires. One can learn more about himself through experiencing a
world with less limitations. Dr. James Paul Gee has identified thirteen different learning
strategies represented in MMOs, beginning with the empowerment afforded by the act of
designing an avatar and then controlling its path through the virtual world. Dr. Gee believes the
freedom to make decisions and express personal interests is at the heart of educational success,
and a lesson from which the public school system could benefit as it continues to rely on
repetitive testing. Virtual Worlds develop imagination, offers the freedom for its players to forge
and create their own destiny. Teenagers highly enjoy such traits, because society enforces certain
restrictions on them like what to dress and whom to socialize with, while virtual world games
offer freedom with lower risks than real life. MMOs bring people together, develop teamwork
and communication. Players have to interact using ping, chat or voice chat to achieve a common
objectives. Players join clans, guilds or other sorts of teams to achieve a bigger goal.

I searched points of view a lot for any information I can find. Fortunately I did find a free book
to support my topic it is called The Psychology of MMORPGs by Nicholas Yee. I also
watched a video for Professor Jane McGonigal who researched the effects of games and gaming

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on human capability. I did seek the Librarians help and she told me I wont find much useful
information because my topic is not researched enough. Nevertheless I moved on with this topic
and I found some stuff. I have not asked my parents (They are not knowledgeable in this area). I
am planning to do so to reflect a parents opinion and discuss the effects of having their offspring
invest so much time gaming. I dont think I directly know people who are professionally
involved in researching the effects of MMOs. My friends did indeed motivate me to continue
with the topic, although I doubted my ability to continue with it.
As far as I have gone, my topic has two points of view: virtual world games are
beneficial to humans in real life and gaming extensively will actually improve us as human
beings, and virtual world games are unhealthy, time-consuming, addictive alongside with
irresponsibility and being unrealistic and too imaginative. I used points of view, New York
Times, and The Guardian.
Initial Inquiry Question(s)
Are MMROPG games a great way in self-defining ones self?
Is it possible to use virtual experience and skills gained from games in the real world?
When playing MMORPGs do we think critically and analytically? And to what extend?
Are we able to produce more thoughts in games than in real life?
How much time do we spend on games per week?
Do virtual Worlds provide us with true freedom and equality?
Why is human determination, confidence and communication better in the virtual world
than in the real world?
Can gaming in a virtual world for long periods of time evolve human abilities?

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My Interest in this Topic

Im interested in MMORPGs because I have played a lot of them, I am hoping to
develop Virtual Reality. Im interested in non-classical ways of self-defining. I already know that
MMORPGs are very successful and challenging to play. It involves big communities and
competitive matches. I hope to learn the 4th dimensional effect of experiencing such games on
our lives. I hope to learn the extent in which MMORPGs can improve our skills, thinking,
creativity and who we are as humans.

Next Steps
My next step will include reading the The Psychology of MMORPGs by Nicholas Yee
and visiting the library to pick up any psychological or scientific book that can potentially have a
link to my topic then do a process of elimination. I will also visit the New York Times and The
Guardian for any new technological news or future expectation articles about games. I will
attempt to contact some famous gamers and interview them about their gaming experience.
Lastly, I will study and analyze Professors Jane Mcgonigals research by watching her
TED Talk videos and reading some of her resources.

Erfan Al-Hossami

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