Teens Guide

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The Teenagers Guide to Major Developments in the

Students will prepare an illustrated document or a presentation entitled The Teenagers
Guide to Major Developments in the Renaissance. The purpose is to inform other
students about contributions in a particular field. Students may choose to zero in on one
of these fields:
Complete the chart to map out the impact the developments had on the rest of the
Renaissance. You should print out 6 for your peers to have. See the link on this
assignment on google classroom for chart.
As Renaissance "experts," you should use your research to prepare an illustrated
presentation or a display on the most significant contributions in their assigned field.
Maps, drawings or images are as important as the written text. Think about using
thematic maps or webs to trace the impact of developments.
You also must include an artifact from that era to bring that authentic flair to your
presentation and help your peers really experience the development. Ideas that you
could use for this are: some journal entries, letters, a newspaper, musical number,
painting, or archeological artefact. If you have another idea youd like to create then
please do so, but it must be approved.
In completing the chart, students are to provide the following information:
1. describe the major developments in their assigned fields, including the dates,
locations, and spread of the developments
2. rate the significance of the impact of each development on the Renaissance
3. provide evidence to support their ratings of the degree to which the
developments influenced worldviews.
Your presentation should include:
1. Your driving question
2. An artifact relating to your topic
3. Brief overview of the major developments (What?) (3-6 sentences)
4. Significance of the developments: the positive and negative impacts on other
people in the field and on the common person (So What?)
5. Change in worldviews, including the modern-day Western worldview (Now

You will be marked on the follow criteria:

convincingexplains the impact of the developments (the progress)

historically accuratereflects the Renaissance worldview
concisefocuses only on key developments
clearly writteneasy to understand and grammatically correct
well illustratedenhances the written text with drawings, images and maps.
selects information pertinent information used to examine how Humanism
helped create the shift in the Renaissance worldview

As you are listening to your peers present you will want to collect information of your
own about their presentation. This is going to help with your next stage of this project.
Keep in mind: a) the information you give in your presentation is relevant and correct in
order to help your fellow student and b) write down concise notes to take with you for
the next stage.

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