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vapor makeup steam vapor compressor drive“ condensate concentrated. product condensate (for desuperheating) feed heater ee Ficure 8.81. Simplified process flow for mechanical vapor recompression evaporator. costs of the relatively expensive compressor and drive unit. The main advantage of vapor recompression units is in the lower energy costs. Using the steam equivalent of the power to drive the compressor, the steam economy is equivalent to a multiple- effect evaporator of up to 10 or more units (Z1). Some typical applications of mechanical vapor recompression units are evapora- tion of sea water to give distilled water, evaporation of kraft black liquor in the paper industry (L2), evaporation of heat-sensitive materials such as fruit juices, and crystallizing of salts having inverse solubility curves where the solubility decreases with increasing temperature (K2, M3) Falling-film evaporators are well suited for vapor recompression systems (W1) because they operate at low-temperature-difference values and have very little entrained liquid which can cause problems in the compressor. Vapor recompression has been used in distillation towers where the overhead vapor is recompressed and used in the reboiler as the heating medium (M2) 8.8 Thermal Vapor Recompression Evaporator A steam jet can also be used to compress the vapor in a thermal vapor recompression unit. The main disadvantages are the low efficiency of the steam jet, necessitating the removal of this excess heat, and the lack of flexibility to changes in process variables (M3). Steam jets are cheaper and more durable than mechanical compressors and can more easily handle large volumes of low-pressure vapors. PROBLEMS 8.4-1, Heat-Transfer Coefficient in Single-Effect Evaporator. A feed of 4535 kg/h of a 2.0 wt % salt solution at 311 K enters continuously a single-effect evaporator and is being concentrated to 3.0%. The evaporation is at atmospheric pressure and the area of the evaporator is 69.7 m?, Satutrated steam at 383.2 K is supplied for heating. Since the solution is dilute, it can be assumed to have the same boiling point as water. The heat capacity of the feed can be taken asc, = 4.10 kJ/kg K. Calculate the amounts of vapor and liquid product and the overall heat-transfer coefficient U. ‘Ans. U = 1823 W/m?-K 84-2. Effects of Increased Feed Rate in Evaporator. Using the same area, value of U, steam pressure, evaporator pressure, and feed temperature as in Problem 8.4-1, Chap. 8 — Problems sis 84:3. 844, 845. 8.46. 84-7. 84-8, 8.4.9, 84-10. 516 calculate the amounts of liquid and vapor leaving and the liquid outlet con- centration if the feed rate is increased to 6804 kg/h. Ans, V = 1256 kg/h, L = 5548 kg/h, x, = 2.45% Effect of Evaporator Pressure on Capacity and Product Composition. Recalculate Example 8.4-1 but use an evaporator pressure of 41.4 kPa instead of 101.32 kPa abs. Use the same steam pressure, area A, and heat-transfer coefficient U in the calculations. (a) Do this to obtain the new capacity or feed rate under these new conditions. The composition of the liquid product will be the same as before. (b) Do this to obtain the new product composition if the feed rate is increased to 18 144 kg/h. Production of Distilled Water. An evaporator having an area of 83.6 m? and a U = 2210 W/m? -K is used to produce distilled water for a boiler feed. Tap water having 400 ppm of dissolved solids at 15.6°C is fed to the evaporator operating at 1 atm pressure abs. Saturated steam at 115.6°C is available for use. Calculate the amount of distilled water produced per hour if the outlet liquid contains 800 ppm solids Boiling-Point Rise of NaOH Solutions. Determine the boiling temperature of the solution and the boiling-point rise for the following cases. (a) A 30% NaOH solution boiling in an evaporator at a pressure of 172.4 kPa (25 psia). (b) A 60% NaOH solution boiling in an evaporator at a pressure of 3.45 kPa (0.50 psia), Ans. (a) Boiling point = 130.6°C, boiling point rise = 15°C Boiling-Point Rise of Biological Solutes in Solution. Determine the boiling-point rise for the following solutions of biological solutes in water. Use the figure in (Pb), p. 11-31 (a) A 30 wt % solution of citric acid in water boiling at 220°F (104.4°C) (b) A 40 wt % solution of sucrose in water boiling at 20°F (104.4°C), ‘Ans. (a) Boiling-point rise = 2.2°F (1.22°C) Effect of Feed Temperature on Evaporating an NaOH Solution. A single-effect evaporator is concentrating a feed of 9072 kg/h of a 10 wt % solution of NaOH in water to a product of 50% solids. The pressure of the saturated steam used is 42 kPa (gage) and the pressure in the vapor space of the evaporator is 20 kPa (abs). The overall heat-transfer coefficient is 1988 W/m?-K. Calculate the steam used, the steam economy in kg vaporized/kg steam, and the area for the following feed conditions. {a) Feed temperature of 288.8 K (15.6°C). (b) Feed temperature of 322.1 K (48.9°C), Ans. (a) 5 = 8959 kg/h ofsteam, A = 295.4m? Heat-Transfer Coefficient to Evaporate NaOH. In order t© concentrate 4536 kg/h of an NaOH solution containing 10 wt % NaOH to a 20 wt % solution, a single-effect evaporator is being used with an area of 37.6m?. The feed enters at 21.1°C (294.3 K), Saturated steam at 110°C (383.2 K) is used for heating and the pressure in the vapor space of the evaporator is 51.7 kPa. Calculate the kg/h ofsteam ysed and the overall heat-transfer coefficient. Throughput of a Single-Effect Evaporator. An evaporator is concentrating F kg/h at 311 K of a 20 wt % solution of NaOH to 50%. The saturated steam used for heating is at 399.3 K. The pressure in the vapor space of the evaporator is 13.3 kPa abs. The overall coefficient is 1420 W/m?- K and the area is 864m’. Calculate the feed rate F of the evaporator. Ans. F = 9072kg/h Surface Area and Steam Consumption of an Evaporator. A single-cffect evapo- rator is concentrating a feed solution of organic colloids from 5 to 50 wt %. The Chap. 8 — Problems 84-11, 84-12, 85-1. 85-2. Chap. 8 . Evaporation in Double-Effect Reverse-Feed solution has a negligible boiling-point elevation. The heat capacity of the feed is c, = 406 kJ/kg K (0.97 btu/lb,,-°F) and the feed enters at 15.6°C (60°F). Satu rated steam at 101.32 kPa is available for heating, and the pressure in the vapor space of the evaporator is 15.3 kPa. A total of 4536 kg/h (100001b,/h) of water is, to be evaporated. The overall heat-transfer coefficient is 1988 W/m?-K (350 btu/h: ft? -°F), What is the required surface area in m? and the steam consump tion? Evaporation of Tomato Juice Under Vacuum. Tomato juice having a con- centration of 12 wt % solids is being concentrated to 25% solids in a film-type evaporator. The maximum allowable temperature for the tomato juice is 135°F, which will be the temperature of the product. The feed enters at 100°F. Saturated steam at 25 psia is used for heating. The overall heat-transfer coef- ficient U is 600 btu/h-{t?-°F and the area A is 50 ft?, The heat capacity of the feed c, is estimated as 0.95 btu/lb,,° °F. Neglect any boiling-point rise if present. Calcufate the feed rate of tomato juice to the evaporator. Concentration of Cane Sugar Solution. A single-effect evaporator is being used to concentrate a feed of 10000 b,,/h ofa cane sugar solution at 80°F and containing. a sugar content of 15° Brix (degrees Brix is wt % sugar) to 30° Brix for use in a food process. Saturated steam at 240°F is available for heating. The vapor space in the evaporator will be at | atm abs pressure. The overall U = 350 btu/h-ft?-°F and the heat capacity of the feed isc, = 0.91 btu/lb,,-°F. The boiling-point rise can be estimated from Example 8.5-1. The heat of solution can be considered negligible and neglected. Calculate the area required for the evaporator and the amount of steam used per hour. ‘Ans. Boiling-point rise = 2.0°F (1.1°C), A = 667 ft? (62.0m*) Boiling Points in a Triple-E fect Evaporator. A solution with a negligible boiling- point rise is being evaporated in a triple-effect evaporator using saturated steam at 121.1°C (394.3 K). The pressure in the vapor of the last effect is 25.6 kPa abs. The heat-transfer coefficients are U, = 2840, U = 1988, and Uy = 1420 W/m®-K and the areas are equal. Estimate the boiling point in each of the evaporators. Ans. T, = 108.6°C (381.8 K) Evaporation of Sugar Solution in a Multiple Effect Evaporator. A wiple-effect evaporator with forward feed is evaporating a sugar solution with negligible boiling-point rise (less than 1.0 K, which will be neglected) and containing 5 wt % solids to 25% solids. Saturated steam at 205 kPa abs is being used. T pressure in the vapor space of the third effect is 13.65 kPa. The feed rate is 22 680 Ke/h and the temperature 299.9 K. The liquid heat capacity is cy = 4.19 = 2.35 x, where c, is in kikg-K and x in wt fraction (KI). The heat-transfer coefficients are U, = 3123, U, = 1987, and Uy = 1136 W/m? K. Calculate the surface area of each effect if each effect has the sarne area, and the steam rate Ans. Area A = 99.1 m2, steam rate S = 8972 kg/h Evaporators. A feed containing 2 wt % dissolved organic solids in water is fed to a double-effect evaporator with reverse feed. The feed enters at 100°F and is concentrated to 25% solids. ‘The boiling-point rise can be considered negligible as well as the heat of solution. Each evaporator has a 1000-ft surface area and the heat-transfer coefficients are U; = 500 and Uz = 700 btwh-ft?-°F. The feed enters evaporator number 2 and steam at 100 psia is fed to number I. The pressure in the vapor space of evaporator number 2 is 0.98 psia. Assume that the heat capacity of all liquid solutions is that of liquid water. Calculate the feed rate F and the product rate Ly of a solution containing 25% solids. (Hint: Assume a feed rate of, say, F = 1000 Ibq/h. Calculate the area. Then calculate the actual feed rate by multiplying 1000 by 1000/calculated area.) Ans. F = 133 800 Ib,/h (60691 kg/h), Ly 10700 Ib,Jh (4853 kg/h) Problems 37 85-4, 85-5. 8.5-6. 8.6-1. (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) (BS) (Ci) (K1) (K2) (LI) a) (M1) 518 Concentration of NaOH Solution in Triple-Effect Evaporator. A forced-circulation triple-effect evaporator using forward feed is to be used to concentrate a 10 wt % NaOH solution entering at 37.8°C to 50%. The steam used enters at 58.6 kPa gage. The absolute pressure in the vapor space of the third effect is 6.76 kPa. ‘The feed rate is 13 608 kg/h. The heat-transfer coefficients are U, = 6246, Uz = ¥07, and U3 = 2271 Wim? -K. All effects have the same area. Calculate the surface area and steam consumption. Ans, A= 97.3 m?,S = 5284 kg steam/h Triple-Effect Evaporator with Reverse Feed. A feed rate of 20 410 kg/h of 10 wt % NaOH solution at 48.9°C is being concentrated in a triple-effect reverse-feed evaporator to produce a 50% solution. Saturated steam at 178.3°C is fed to the first evaporator and the pressure in the third effect is 10.34 kPa abs. The heat-transfer coefficient for each effect is assumed to be 2840 W/m? Calculate the heat-transfer area and the steam consumption rate. Evaporation of Sugar Solution in Double Effect Evaporator. A double-effect evaporator with reverse feed is used to concentrate 4536 kg/h of a 10 wt % sugar solution to 50%. The feed enters the second effect at 37.8°C. Saturated steam at 115.6°C enters the first effect and the vapor from this effect is used to heat the second effect. The absolute pressure in the second effect is 13.65 kPa abs. The overall coefficients are U, = 2270 and U; = 1705 W/m? + K. The heating areas for both effects are equal. Use boiling-point-rise and heat-capacity data from Example 8.5-1. Calculate the area and steam consumption Water Consumption and Pressure in Barometric Condenser. The concentration of NaOH solution leaving the third effect of a triple-effect evaporator is 50 wt %. The vapor flow rate leaving is 5670 kg/h and this vapor goes to a barometric condenser. The discharge water from the condenser leaves at 40.5°C. Assuming that the condenser can maintain a vacuum in the third effect corresponding to a saturated vapor pressure of 2.78°C above 40.5°C, calculate the pressure in the third effect and the cooling water flow to the condenser. The cooling water enters at 29.5°C. (Note: The vapor leaving the evaporator will be superheated because of the boiling-point rise.) ‘Ans, Pressure = 8.80 kPa abs, W = 306 200 kg water/b REFERENCES Bapoer, W. L., and BaNcHERO, J. T. Introduction to Chemical Engineering. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1955. BLAKEBROUGH, N. Biochemical and Biological Engineering Science, Vol. 2. New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1968. Bapoer, W. L., and McCase, W. L. Elements of Chemical Engineering, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1936. Brown, G. G.,et al. Unit Operations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1950. Beestey, A. H., and Rutwesmiti, R. D. Chem. Eng. Progr., 76(8), 37 (1980). Cuaam, S. E. The Fundamentals of Food Engineering, Ind ed. Westport, Conn.: Avi Publishing Co., Inc,, 1971. a Kean, D. Q. Process Heat Transfer. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1950. Kine, R. J. Chem. Eng. Progr., 80(7), 63 (1984). Luxpsey, E. Chem. Eng., 60 (4), 227 (1953) Locspon, J. D. Chem. Eng. Progr., 79), 36 (1983). McCane, W. L. Trans. A.L.Ch.E., 31, 129 (1935), Chap.8 — References Ske jh 30335 A= 60-Tm* Gs 640 AT hy FeLty Fg = Lat Vy, ¥535(0.02) = 1(0,03)+ Vo) L= 3023 hy/h 12 Rah beat Aalence. Dative =T)= 373,24 Deble B.2 4p ag te Ayes ee 2297, 6h I/dg FyrGi-l) + Shs =LG@722-T)can + Vy (459 5Xt.1)(a1.0-373.2) + 5 (a230.2)= © His512(a257.06) 4 = Shy = UBAT = 20) ie 107, =U 7X3 ~ 373.4. > 20¥9(22302) et (69,7 X389,2- 373.4) Ue) 1923 Wm (BH-2, F604 dg/h Sh = 2049(2220.2) Heeb islenet, Sion = 7, = 373.2 6 ek allie = Ty = 373.0 6804 (4.10)(3110+ 395, R)+ 2049(2230.2)— OF V(2as706) V= 1256 Ag /h L= bt0yn/ 45625546 4g /A. €0Y (0.02) m SS¥R(X 4 Vio) ee Ve 1a56 bgit, sea Lessve AA Xt 3.85 m3 (Gap 4) aa Krnong= 128706 Avid, Ebglh, 15.0% Auehe eave. ts asian % se Patines balance, Cet aes, Axt36om* F coe) cree) #vC0) LSE Fei tv = osesy Veose Heat baberee ; dalure 100°C F (ands )(is.6-100.0) + S(22mK8S) = L(ree-ree)4 V(a45206) 35347 F + scaaiies) =aaerocy 47h fre z = UAAT = 2270(83.6)(115:6= 100:6)(3600/1000) ATLA 2 0 657 595 koh Anttat. 4 for 32165) wo det bene, ~353.67F 400.657 595 = 2257.06 (0.58) Fe 7181 bik Vs as9sdkgsh tatlh t20 B45) @) Bev 1784 Pe (Detle 92-9), hi bt, Ha0= s.6°C Bg hye Bet 307, moh, hn fat, =130.6%C. bbe, = 130.6 Opt pee arene Fer 60% eon, Mast 2 BIC dep = are @, pt ndae = 817-28 = tre Bab-115,6 = [is C Aipb, rsoe| G) Fr ats bP (Patle 42-4), bibt beo= 26,900 Mateacal bel Fees3e. @.4-8) iis eer L Frptex.tVyy Suellen Yasbeley oS 4536(0.10)= 1 (0.20)+ VCO) L= 2268 by /A N=226% SK OA 5INTRPe, bph Ha0= B2.2°C (ehh A, a9) ads ea 40% Ia 04) = 28.9°C BgZh nice = 85.9~ 2.2= 67°C CPG. 84-3) 10% Ta OHak anise Ap = 744 d5jhg 20% ROH at 3x9" A, = B20 KT 1heg Mba 5 (eTlarited ok 10% )= 123012 bob (,2-9) Hy (uparks bd at 23.9°C end S17 b= 26606 (4,270 utah) Qlirmal celeubsLimd of ty (dee 8.4 ~3), Hy = Hy (ttl oh B.2°C 517 KPa) pi t8y (aT aupertesl) Hy = 2EV2AZ HH ETECes.9- 82.2) = 26604 /zy (Clrot chtok!) Reet i batiim 0°C Fhp + SK = LA, + Vy $836 (744) + S(22302)= 22 68 (3a/0)s 2268 (2660) Gx Sh= 2780 (raza = sUSaT= U(32.6)(uo- 24) Uz 2249 W/m? is () Fs Lt 4536 (a) Fe2s)=L 50) + 45966) betrery @), L=010F Abelian, L200 F ante Ws Gq) F=0lor +4536 Fa cove Agth = Sot kg/h Trav dobte 9.9°9, Ty = 543°C (detaraled,, ror to fh, 60k, of 15.3 hPa) Hy (Su/3°C) = 237A Ailhe Meat balarnch : difiima = 543°C. Fhe S ohpzbAn + Viv 5 (120°C) souochaguac-ses)+ SEE) = 0 + yssc(as7a#) S= 5U9hg Burn) Fe Heat Zienefie role 45 3655 519(2as7.DAP VS san Je svg 257 DE ogee? w. q = sus(arsnie®) = unaT = 1988 (8}(100.0- $8.3) “5600 B= 3535 mt 176 4-12) F210 000m [de Take", APSOIS Cy=0.9/ F Ta 2HOF U=350 bth jist? °F A FaLtv fo co LFV Fxp = bart Vyy 10 000(0'5 )=1 (0.30) + V (6 Ls 5000 4, /k V = 5000 Loin Ae Fare &f, 8.5 -/, BPR = 32% 4 hax? =3,2(0,30)t1h2 (0:20)*= 190F BPR= 2,0°F | (irc) T= T beckons print oh olen + BPR T= alah ath = er Meat bolaner: calirr = 1 OF Ap m Sp Te T= 0.9on ait) Gg. (Leto heat ot T= 290°F)= 95 2,3 Alien, Wy (eeperrtestl afore at AF, | bir abe). die Gp. 24-9e BYE, i a casa (onc Ko 100°C) ISTHCAT Kendal) 52 aathan Hy= 970.3 (ealirstid Kat 22°F )+ 04S (oT aupsrdest )ingtal, 2970.3 + O4S(2) = 97N2 AD Jib Fh tS fg = bAL+ VAY 10 000 (0.9/)(¢ 0-214 ) + S(952,3)= S00080) + 500069712) S=6 380k, iam Jk (22% hy jh.) = g2ne(ssza)= Vaal = 350(8)240-714) A = 66 742 “(62,07 ) a7 2_| l A= Os= As Ok Peo 25.6 be, Ty = 6S:E'C (Feb 2-9, calerated ) (2b1— 65,6 = 555°C. &y.@.s-s) EAT? AT, +47, +873= 15-73 = Uy 240W an Ug = 1988, Uz =H 20 &.@5-¢) }T = Zar__i/uy = 555(t/2 840) 0,413! /U, 1[aztoFi/i9eE+ 1/1929 27) = (43% ATa= SS.50/1928) hee anee: VWae¥o+ Ite r1/1930 Bg = EE TUS FAO = 25.07 Taedo +! 98841 /420 T, = Te~eT) = rani-cas =[ pone C7, Ta? Troe = ons 179 =| Fo.7%= Te Tg * Tan6Te= 90.7-4511 =| 65.6°C= Te me er ba ts pity) = Hign2asx BT/ky kK Ua BBW/aOK, 0:2 1527, 05-1136 Fr 13.65 &Po., oat, Brife.Ta = 547°C (4.2) Ba Ae 205dh, Tea Pane Wighed BPR: 20 Owratl anb solider tolamecs F= 22 680 =Lat CW +¥atis) Fags bax, 0 22 6f0(0.05) = Lalor48) Las yscekyih — (VVarVg)= 28 €Re- 936 19194 bg /h Gecurat epial vofearezatiad vn cach ff. Vy = Vr. 0u8 tag Ht. Beat mateo bularcte m U),0), dea) soporte, () F=226t0= 41, = covet Lys 16632, @) b,=16632= Vaely=sowee ha () LH 10 S84 = V4.1, 604 +03 delete, belawch oe 12), anh(3) MW) 22 680 (005) = oy 16 €32(x,) iD 1G) 16 ¢32(0.265) = 0+ 10 SPHxa) ne 1G) 10 5F¥(010%)= 0 + 4536KKS) oe a cose ee) Bas-6) MeBPR) Lets Ts-T3=!h 465-6) a= ZeTi/us =a 9)i7a13) YOK TOF I[Oy Vaiss t17i087 17136 AT, = Go.merigny, a 2050 WBIaa FET FIT AT = (62.8 KI/1136) : WaEE TE TTBS ane Ripe ce eee Sri fect 29 td To. S128 ATH 233 073 = 39,33 179 SLT = 618°C sIs05% (B.5-2)- #4 De calcula. Ch, bi pt, om beck affet, T= Ty STi= 131,197.78 =103,32°C Ja = 7,7 272 = 109.32- 18.33" g4.99°C Ty = Tao AT = £4.99- 33.33" S166 °C Beet. Hak capac, of thy Agus am. sack affor Fr cg 24s 2.35 (203) = 4.072 £9/kg'K Ly Gy FeIY— 2.356.068) 54.030 Lal Gp 2019-235 (0.107) 33,939 Lai Cy =419~ 2:35(0.250) = 3,602, ard Ll by Binpeclir prom P29, 89,9- 273,25 26/:7°C fst 2199: SASIg, Ts 10332°C f,= 2298) Raz 239608 Tye snse'C 4229788 alirisle Golanct fr Vs sV2.Ve2 Wye Fou) = 22680-L,, Varty—ba > Heat. talence om. s0ck effect Uae aw delarme the tompssTint of figuih brannng the fat orm ue BPR. emu), dale 27, = 103.32 GO) Fege Op-T) + S45 = bitarT-t) TVA DA G0(4.072 (267-103, 734-5 (2195) = OF (22 Ko-Ly)arus, Onn (a) y haBirr 2a, = 9.99°C G) bi Ger (Ti Ta) + Vihy = ba ear CTa-Ta)+Vaha 1, G.020%/02.22- 94.99) + (22 640 L YAWWE,I)= 0+ (Li-Lakaa96n) Om (3); datone = Ty™ SH662C G) Latpn Tag) #¥a a = bates (To-Ta) +V3 hs ba (3.939 )frv.9q- 51:66)+ (Ly-ba)(2G0)= 0 + (La 45 36)(23722) debrring () wn O) seriahthnarsssats ©, = 17090 ky/K b= 10.991 eg fhe Autlitciny alr) fe aleulah 5, [5 =0972 kg/h atin [ya Lanbgeba 4536 ssa Li 17050 16632 La 099 este La 4536 1526 10 G5-2)- pis Nenet, Che cabeuletid ant acccemel) valuta ant clare onpugh and abies 2,3, axl + te att muh te be anprsteh. disk 1 Sig = 972 he (mi99.5 4TYre00F)( 1/3 600.0 \= R48 axio® W Se ea ULerras) by BANA, = (2.2 €8O~ 17050)(2 2 ¥8.1K/000/3600) 3516x100 W Presi $3 =Vaha= C17 O50-10 991K 2296-0) 1000/3600) 23 g6¢x 10° W Pamir raes soko eS Get, ~ Bins 077% eet aes 3.516 x10 = 965 mm Un47, 7989 (i8.33) 3 = _sigeex® 2 yon,y m2 U3eT3 Trae( 33,83) Qvenege A= 99.) m2| Dt antec dipper from The, otetpt by kine han 3% and a enh tnah ia mel mectcerg, re

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