Portfolio Narrative

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Elisabeth Rohman

Marquetta Strait
To have all of my creations from EDCI 270 in one place, I created a portfolio using
Weebly. Not only do the products on the website reflect the ISTE Standard for creativity, the
portfolio itself reflects this standard. The portfolio allowed me to combine all of my efforts from
the last semester into one place and I was able to determine how I wanted to set up the website. I
could use my creativity online to build a website that would hold all of the content that I needed
but also present the information in a fun and unique manner. The portfolio also relates to the
standard that says model digital age work and learning. This portfolio is a combination of
digital works all complied into a digital presentation in the form of a portfolio. Through these
projects, I have touched on some of the sub-points of the ISTE standard that talk about using new
digital tools to communicate relevant information and I have been able to transfer my current
knowledge through technologies. Some of the projects that were included in the portfolio
addressed the standard regarding relevant learning experiences or technology-enriched
learning environments. These projects allowed for a unique outlook on technology use in the
classroom that could benefit the greatest number of students.
Through creating the website portfolio, I have learned that all of the work from the last
semester was much more connected than I originally expected. As I looked through all of the
case studies and badges, there were plenty of connections between the content and ideas. Also,
many of the case studies started to implement skills developed through our badge work. For
example, I completed a badge learning how to make screencasts and then one of the case studies
after that included a screencast. One of the main themes of this class was teaching, learning and
technology together. Originally I had thought that this related to my future classroom but
looking at the portfolio that I have created, I realized that this idea was implemented into the
EDCI 270 curriculum as well. The technology I learned to use through badges was connected to
our case study presentations which was connected to the responsibilities as a teacher that come
with additional technology use within schools. The portfolio was really cool to see all of the
work combined and interconnected.
Using a portfolio could easily be integrated in the teaching and learning experience. As
a teacher, I can create a portfolio to display some of my lesson plans or class resources that I
have created specifically for my students. The portfolio that I have created would be beneficial
to show a potential future employer to demonstrate my understanding of the importance of
technology use in the classroom. As a learner, creating a portfolio is a very cool way to see
growth in understanding. Students could create a portfolio similar to the Weebly website that I
created and upload their writing throughout the school year. At the end of the year, they could go
through their writings and see how their writing style changed and began to reflect some of the
things they were taught in their English class. In general, as a learner, a portfolio is very cool
because it allows you to compile all of the work into one place and then it is easier to find
I think the largest room for improvement would be at the beginning of the semester.
Although we set up the website at the beginning of the semester, it would have been really
helpful to get the checklist of requirements for the portfolio at the beginning as well. That way,
we would have a better understanding of what the final product was supposed to look like so that
we could add content all semester instead of wait until the end.

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