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Professional Inquiry Project Proposal

Michelle Hager

I would like to integrate learning centres into my grade 1 math class. I would specifically
focus on the Number unit and keep the centres math based until the end of my internship.
How would this benefit the students?
I believe this method of teaching would help develop problem solving skills, communication
skills and teamwork among the students in the class. These students have already proven
to work well independently and I would like to further that work ethic within small groups.
I envision the centres to be hands on and student led during centre time. This would
allow for students to initiate the activity with little teacher prompting and provide
students the opportunity to create and expand upon their basic knowledge. Students would
be able to work at their own pace and work at whatever skill level they may be at during
that particular time.
What would I leave with the school?
I would make a booklet outlining:
Steps I took to develop my centres
Examples and materials needed for each centre
Personal comments regarding my thoughts on what worked
Modifications for each centre

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