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Fractured Fairytale Lesson

Lesson Objective:
Students will create their own fractured fairytale.

Childrens Books
o Fairytales
o Fractured Fairytales
Fractured Fairy-tale Graphic Organizer
YouTube Fractured Fairy-tale cartoons

1. Have students brainstorm all the fairytales that they know. List
them on the board or on a large piece of paper.
a. Use this time to weed out the non-fairytales, for example
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings
2. What are elements of a fairytale? In other words what makes a
3. Continue discussion until you feel that all the students have a full
understanding of fairytales and what they are. I recommend that
you bring in several childrens books that are actual fairytales for
the kids to look at.
1. Ask students what they think a fractured fairytale is. Then explain that
a fractures fairytale is a fairytale that has something changed from the
original. It can be a swap where the antagonist becomes the
protagonist and vice versa. The setting can change or you can add a
character. Brainstorm with the class what other ways you can change a
2. Pass out the fractures fairytale packet.
3. Pull up your YouTube link with the cartoon of the fractures fairytale.
Students will create a T chart that lists facts from the original fairytale
and facts from this fractured one. They will then create a Venn
diagram comparing the two. Discuss as a class.
4. Have students open up their packet to the first few pages. Students
will use these pages for the next activity.
5. Split students into small groups.

6. Give each group a fractured fairytale childrens book. Students will

read the book and fill out the worksheets in the packet comparing the
Fractured Fairytale to the original. They may work in groups.
7. Have students share their findings with the class.
a. Note: I like to keep the childrens books (both fairytales and
fractured) out during this while unit. Students can use them as
references and/or read them for fun.
8. Tell students they will be writing a fractured fairytale to be published
into a book. Give and overview of the writing project.
a. Pass out rubric
b. Go over expectations and the rubric.
c. Inform the kids that you will be starting the project tomorrow
with the idea trait.
Students will need to come to class the next day ready to share ideas
about what they want to do for their fractured fairytale. In this lesson
students will be assessed using teacher observation and the first 3 pages of
their fairytale packet. Make sure to observe if students participate in the
class discussion and are actively working with their group. The packet will be
graded for correct and thoughtful answers. Points for each problem will be
assigned using your own discretion.

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