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Josh Waitzkin The Art of Learning

sweaty palm contentment after hours of intense reflection

fertile time
Being at the Pinnacle of Others lifes has nothing to do with the quality of our
Book inspiration:Tao Te Ching
Took Journals on Chess study->making psychological observations
Did the same for Tai Chi
A Chess student must become immersed in the fundamentals inorder to have potenti
al to reach a high level of skill
Gradually the fundamentals become a part of the flow,over time the intuition lea
rns to integrate more into the flow
Bruce Pandolfini-First Chess Coach
if i disagreed with him, we would have a discussion not a lecture
Whenever I made an important decision, good or bad , he would ask me to explam m
y thought process.
Were rhere other ways to accomplish the same aim ?
Had I looked for my opponent 's threats?
Did I consider a different order of operarions?
Bruce didn't patronize me-some teachers rebel so far away from being authoritari
an that they praise all their link player's
decisions, good or bad . Their Intent ion is to build confideuce,but instead the
y discourage ub jen ivit)" encourage
self-indulgence, and perhaps most destructively, they create a dishonest relario
nship between instructor and pupil that
any bright child can sense

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