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SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Key: SW = Students will | TW = Teachers will | SWBAT = Students will be able to | HOTS = Higher Order Thinking Skills

SIOP Lesson Title: Lesson 1 Rhyming Poems (50 60 minutes)

Grade: 1st

Content Standard(s):
-With prompting and support, read prose and poetry of appropriate complexity for grade 1 (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.10).
-Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes) (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2).
-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.4).
-Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.4).

Key Vocabulary:

Supplementary Materials:

Content: Subject Specific and Technical Terms: poetry, poet,

poem, rhyme, rhyming poem

- Audio recording of La Ballena Viajera by Marisa Alonso Santamaria read in

-Spanish text of La Ballena Viajera to show on the ELMO
-An Elephant Asks by Bobbi Katz from Poetry Big Book: Animals
-whiteboard or large poster paper write out An Elephant Asks
-Jack Prelutskys A Pizza the Size of the Sun from A Pizza the Size of the Sun
-different colored stickers or highlighters for identifying rhymes in poem
-colored paper/cards with simple words to rhyme on them (21 words, one for
Run, sun, fun, bat, hat, cat, mat, sat, flop, plop, drop,
mop, stop, bet, pet, get, pack, back, tick, lick, kick
-fill-in-the-blank poem rhyming worksheet
-Poetry poster with pictures to differentiate poetry, poem, and poet
-Computer and projector to work on and show Popplet concept map http://pop

General Academic: Cross-Curricular Terms/Process &


HOTS: Are poems only written in English? Do poems

rhyme when they are written in different languages?

Explicit Connections to Prior Knowledge and Experiences/Building Background:

Review what rhyme is same sounds at the ends of words
Draw from background knowledge and show value for home language by sharing a rhyming poem in Spanish

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Explicit Connections to Past Learning:
Review how to identify rhyming words
Review poetry word web on

Content Objective(s):
-Explain what a rhyming poem is
-Write to create rhyming poems as a
class and on their own
-Recognize that poetry is cross-lingual
-Use poetry to explain a topic or express
their feelings about a topic
SF (if needed):
Today we will learn about rhyming
poems and write our own rhyming

Language Objective(s):
-Identify words that rhyme
-Comprehend the meanings of and use
new descriptive vocabulary when writing
-Write to create rhyming poems as a
class and on their own
-Clearly read their poem aloud to a peer
SF (if needed):
-Today you will practice pointing out
words that rhyme. You will also learn to
write a rhyming poem, and then you will
share your poem aloud with a friend.

TW show poetry poster and have

students repeat definitions of poetry,
poem, and poet.
SW use hand motions and chant along
with teacher:
-Poetry is the WHOLE type of writing
(circle arms to indicate whole)
-A poem is the words we write on paper
(put hand out, palm up like you are
reading a poem)
-The poet is the person! (touch head,
shoulders, knees, and toes)


Students review these definitions and hand motions eac

TW read the rhyming poem An Elephant

Asks from the big book
TW ask: What is this poem about? Do
you see any rhyming?
TW ask: What is rhyming?
SW respond to questions with insights
about the poem and by sharing their
knowledge of rhyming e.g. the poem is
about an elephant, rhyming words have
the same end sounds

Discussion questions as informal assessment

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Discuss how words rhyme when their
endings sound the same. Poems rhyme
when the last word of each line sounds
the same as the last word of other lines.

Students show understanding of rhyming and ability to i


TW show written poster of An Elephant

Asks. TW read the poem again and
invite students up to the board. SW
place stickers on (or highlight) the
rhyming word pairs they hear and see.
*Use a different color sticker for each
rhyming word pair (e.g. nose and hose
with a green sticker, and well and smell
with an orange sticker)
TW play audio recording of La ballena
viajera. Show Spanish text on the
TW ask: What was this poem about?
What rhyming words did you hear?
SW share their thoughts e.g. A whale
that travelled to an island in the
viajera/primavera, pasaje/conduce etc.

Discussion questions as informal assessment

TW and SW discuss rhyming in different

TW ask : This poem rhymes in Spanish,
but do you think it would rhyme if we
read it in English ?

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

TW explain : Even though poetry can be
written in any language and be a part of
every culture, the words dont have the
same sounds in other languages. The
Spanish words have different ending
sounds as the words that mean the
same thing in English.
*If time permits, read A Pizza the Size
of the Sun by Jack Prelutsky and have
students raise two fingers in the air
whenever they hear a pair of rhyming
TW pull up concept map (with info from
pre-assessment) on Popplet and show on
TW ask: So what have we learned about
poetry now? What are some things we
can add to our word web now that we
know about acrostic poems and rhyming

Formative assessment - Review with students what we h

e.g. There are different kinds of poems. One kind of poe

SW share ideas and TW add them to the

Popplet concept map online.
Game shows how well students can rhyme words.
To practice rhyming words, TW explain
rules of jumping rhyme game (see rules
and materials attached):
Each student holds a card/strip with one
word on it and squats down on the rug.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

They should read their cards and make
sure they know the right sound it makes.
Teacher calls out different words that
rhyme with the words on their cards.
Whoever has a word that rhymes with
the word called out, they must jump up
as fast as they can. After each round the
class should read the cards together and
make sure the words actually do rhyme.
SW play the game two or three times
and trade word cards with a neighbor in
between games so they practice rhyming
different words.
SW gather on the rug and TW will put up
a poster of a fill-in-the blank rhyming
poem with a word bank.

Apply knowledge of rhyming words to writing

The class will discuss and fill in the poem

together, crossing off words in the word
bank as they go (modeling how to write
a rhyming poem).

Teacher walks around as students write and answers stu

SW will go to their seats and write their

own rhyming poems using
templates/worksheets. Students may
choose to write a fill-in-the blank poem
about a kite or a clown (see
attachments). SW will draw pictures to
match their poems.

SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Wrap-Up: This must include the review of the content and language objectives, followed by teacher choice of final
wrap-up to the lesson.
TW say: Great job! Today you learned that rhyming poems have rhyming words at the end of each line. Words that rhyme have
the same end sounds. You also were able to write your very own rhyming poems! When you finish filling in your poem, read
your poem aloud to yourself. Do the lines rhyme? Do they make sense?

When youre done reading to yourself, turn to a friend and read your poem to them. Check to see that both of your poems
rhyme. What is one thing you like about your friends poem?
SW self-reflect on their poetry writing and share their poems aloud with peers. SW provide peer feedback for others poems.
TW walk around and listen to students reading their poems.
(Developed by Melissa Castillo & Nicole Teyechea. Used with permission.)
(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short, 2013. Making Content Comprehensible for English
Learners: The SIOP Model.)


SIOP Lesson Plan Template 1

Katz, B. (1997). An elephant asks. In M. Fleming (Ed.), Poetry Big Book: Animals (p. 13). N.p.: Scholastic Inc.

Santamaria, M. A. (n.d.). Poesa corta para nios. La ballena viajera. In Retrieved November 7, 2015, from

Tice, J. (2013, March 27). Sensory poetry. In Rowdy in First Grade. Retrieved November 15, 2015, from

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