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Hasbro Inc.


Brian Goldner, CEO of Hasbro Inc.


Cory Marino (manager), Victor Ly (research analyst), Christopher DeRoche

(research analyst), and Monica Martinez (project materials coordinator)


November 3, 2015


3D Printing Proposal

Mr. Goldner of Hasbro Inc. asked us to look into three dimensional printing. We
are now looking into the advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing.
Three dimensional printing is a rising innovation and could be an alternative to
our current manufacturing process. In our present state, the company is losing profits
due to the rising costs of traditional factory manufacturing. These costs include toy
recalls, over-production, and a general rise in costs to produce our products overseas
(BARBOZA). Recalls and overproduction of our products arent frequent, but when they
occur, we can potentially lose millions. To combat these problems, we have tried to
lower production of our products and heighten quality inspections overseas. Even with
these actions, we still have problems as it is hard to supervise factories that are
overseas. Limiting our supply has also led to more problems as we may not be able to
meet the demand from our consumers. With all these costs cutting our profits, we may
be forced to raise the prices of our products or lay off workers.

Proposed Tasks
1. Perform Research- This project will be conducted primarily of secondary
research because the expertise in this field is so limited.
2. Identify Options- We will compare the costs associated with traditional
manufacturing of toys and new cost-cutting methods of manufacturing through
3D printing.
3. Analyze Options- We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages that 3D
printing has to offer.
4. Test Options- Rentals of 3D printers are available with which we will be
conducting toy building trials.
5. Collect and Analyze Data- Comparing results of domestic production with 3D
printing to traditional manufacturing processes.
6. Formulate Recommendations- Accumulate information on the benefits of 3D
printing and the appropriate sectors of the manufacturing process it can impact.
7. Prepare Report- In depth analysis of the testing and results of this proposed
action and why this company needs to make the change to 3D printing.


10/22 10/29 11/5
Perform Research
Identify Options
Analyze Options
Test Options
Collect and
Analyze Data
Prepare Report

11/12 11/19

Cory Marino- I have over 10 years of experience in sales and customer service, over 4
years of managerial experience, and I am currently the Project Manager on this specific
Christopher DeRoche- Has been in the research field for ten years. He also has twenty
years of experience in testing toys. He is interested in 3D printers and has significant
base knowledge of the product.
Victor Ly- Victor is very interested in the technical side of 3D printers. He has significant
knowledge of digital designs and has basic knowledge of CAD programs which will help
tremendously in the designing process of 3D printing.
Monica Martinez-Toys are her passion and she has over 13 years of experience
handling and testing various toys.
Group- As a group we feel that all of our skills complement one another well. This
relationship of complementary skills will translate into the process of this project. As a
whole, this group is very interested in making better and more efficient ways to
manufacture toys. We are all kids at heart with a passion for toys and the work done on
this particular project will directly reflect that.

Works Cited
ewanted=all&_r=0. 29 October 2015.

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