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Influential People Task

Martin Luther King Jr.

Who is he? and what is his

By Maggie, Woori and Jeen

What motivated him to do

what he did?

Martin Luther King was very

confident of what he does and
he stands up for what he
Martin Luther King Jr was a civil believed in.
rights activist who stood up for
Martin Luther King Jr
artin Luther King Jr. was
the human rights and their
strongly believed that if you
born in Atlanta, January 15
had nothing you were willing
1929. He went to Booker T.
It all started when 14- year- old
to die for, you had nothing
Washington High school.
Emmett Till was beaten and
you were living for. Overall,
He started his college education
killed by savage racists. Also,
he was a very influential
ay89t Morehouse College at the
after when Rosa Parks was
young age of fifteen.
arrested for sitting in a front seat
Martin Luther King Jr. (January
of a public bus.
He was very confident of
15, 1929-April 4, 1968) was a
what he does and he stands up
civil rights activist in the 1950s
When Martin Luther King Jr saw for what he believed in.
and 1960s.
the way some people were treated Martin Luther King Jr
He led nonviolent protests to fight
and from then, he motivated
strongly believed that if you
for the rights of all people
himself to make sure everyone
had nothing you were willing
including African Americans.
has what they deserve. He was
to die for, you had nothing
He hoped that America and the
motivated by his desire to see all
you were living for.
world could become a colorblind
people treated equally. He was
Overall, he was a very
society where race would not
inspired by many people including influential leader.
impact persons civil rights.
his wife and children, but also his
He is considered one of the great
personal experiences and great
What would our world
public speakers of modern times,
world leaders before him.
be like without the input
and his speeches still inspire many
One person, in particular, was
of this person?
to this day.
Mohandas Gandhi and how he
gained Indias independence,
Without Martin Luther Kings
In what ways has he
Input almost everything
impacted the society?
would be different in some
What values and attitudes
peoples lives.
Martin Luther king Jrs vision
did he possess?
He gave freedom to
changed the world in a major
everybody. I think it is more
Martin Luther King jr was a very of a bravery and
In fact, anyone whos been
positive thinker who always
through elementary school in
looked in the bright side of
He made sure he was doing
America has likely heard the name
everything he did.
everything in his power to
Martin Luther King.
He valued the fact that everyone make black people have the
As he progress into high school
deserves freedom and their own
same rights as white.
and after were taught about his
If he didnt have an input
famous I have a dream speech and
He prefers to solve problems in a American-African people
we gain a greater understanding
calm and a non-violent way
would be treated very badly.
of his impact on civil rights in
which made him a natural leader. They would keep judging
America as a whole.
people for colour instead of

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