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Goat Really


Dr. Kevorkian


Matthew Draft, Michael Ly, Eiliana Ojeda, Jackson Park


November 10, 2015


Using Exoskeletons as a means to either help or replace conventional therapy

The purpose of our proposal is to request authorization to conduct research into the possibility of
improving our patient recovery time using exoskeletal suits.
On October 15th 2015, Dr. Kevorkian asked us to look into the possibilities of using exoskeletal
suits in conjunction with our current technology to improve patient recovery time. The emerging
technology that is human exoskeletons, possesses a lot of opportunity and risks; it is our job to make a
final recommendation.
Patients whom have undergone conventional therapy had not improved much in recent years,
and we are reaching a standstill as to what we can do for them. Some treatments that we use today like
free weights are difficult for some patients. The elderly and those with constricted muscles would have
great difficulty. Lack of innovation and resources has made addressing these patients extremely taxing in
a way that is unsustainable.
Conventional therapy isn't going to work for long. With more and more patients requiring our
services. We cannot keep up with a growing influx of cases with the current technology we have and we
need a new, effective, and efficient method to be able to focus on the growing demand for rehabilitation.
An exoskeleton from the company EskoBionics is made intendedly for medical use. It is used by
individuals with various levels or paralysis or hemiparesis due to neurological conditions such as stroke,
spinal cord injury or disease, traumatic brain injury and more. With medical clearance, it typically
facilitates walking for people with a broad range of motor abilities and sizes; which may include up to C7

complete, any level of incomplete SCI, and non-or pre-ambulatory individuals post-stroke (EskoBionics,
In the IT and Technology departments we have found that patients charts are being filled out in a
rushed and inaccurate manner, resulting in lower bills and fewer profits. Our medical staff is becoming
overworked and overstressed. We can reduce repetitive strain on legs and back from lifting heavy
patients as well as automate part of the charting process to reduce their responsibilities and leave them to
do their skilled labor rather than menial tasks.
Medical technology has increased the human lifespan to the point that our old technology for
rehabilitation has not been able to keep up with the increasing needs of the aging population. For this
reason we must increase the efficiency of rehabilitation and shorten recovery time.

Proposed Tasks
We read several news articles and websites about the possibilities involved in exoskeletal suits.
We have learned that Exoskeletons have many medical benefits and few ethical questions in the medical
field. While further research is required, there only seems to be decent military grade exoskeletons rather
than ones created for medicine. We have read several research reports from the Kessler Foundation
whom are testing the exoskeletons and are finding them effective.

Task list
1. We will talk to the company, and use their website for primary resources.
As for secondary resources, we will google scholarly search for their peer reviews/scientific data
on exoskeletons about their effectiveness in rehabilitation.
2. Choose and customize a certain style and organization for our document, so that our entire
product looks like one project and it is easy to follow and take in.
3. Gather resources of information that are reputable and peer-reviewed so that we can maintain a
high standard of information and documents.
4. Take important information from our sources that help us argue for the use of exoskeletons in our
5. Organize this into a document structure and a PowerPoint that fits our organization we made
6. Revise our work between each other to make sure all our contributions fit together and maintain a
single idea and purpose.

Task Schedule
Talk to Company/Scholarly Search
Choose a Style
Gathering Resources
Argue for the use of Exoskeletons








Team Experience
Jackson Park is a Computer Science Major, and the concept of exoskeletons is a professional
interest, especially in the realm of medical and even military applications. The software side would be
Parks area of expertise. By exploring the many possibilities that this technology opens up from a
systems point of view, he can help the company find the most efficient way into integrate this technology
into our current system.

Michael Ly, a Software Engineering major, is quite flexible as he mainly creates programs to
solve a problem. In this case, we would be creating a program for the exoskeleton to make it move a
body part repeatedly. Ly is interested in how people will use programming language to make the
exoskeleton move. Ly will also find the bugs the current software may have, and propose possible
solutions. In this way Ly is invaluable.

Matt Draft a computer engineering major who knows a lot about the variety of hardware
presented in exoskeletal suits. He is also a certified STNA in the state of Ohio. Which means Draft not
only understands the technology; but, the safety precautions that are needed to be taken with the
patients. Draft can help us safely introduce the technology to our patients, making sure we have the
optimum outcomes for the patients as well as the company.

Eiliana Ojeda is someone who is interested in the technological field and is concerned with the
well-being of others. Ojeda believes that we can start seeing more successful results in rehabilitation with
the use of exoskeletons. Since the goal of exoskeletal suits is to reduce the amount of time needed in
therapy and recovery; especially in those with spinal cord injuries or diseases. Ojeda believes that
exoskeletal suits can be very beneficial to our company. Ojeda is also interested with how new software
for every individual patient is created as every case is unique.

Works Cited
Ekso Bionics - An exoskeleton bionic suit or a wearable robot that helps people walk again. Esko Bionics.
Web. 25 Oct. 2015.

Kessler Foundation Implements Ekso Bionics First Commercial Robotic Exoskeleton. Kessler
Foundation. 24 April 2015. Web. 29 October 2015.

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