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Reflection 1

On the first day, when I arrived in kindergarten with the rest

of the trainees, the administrative staff have welcomed well.
I was surprised that they have organized everything for us,
and they do a book for our attendance. After that, we took a
tour of the kindergarten and learned about the facilities and
educational centers. Then, we entered the classroom to
know about the teacher that whom we will attend to their
class. I felt comfortable because their dealings were good,
and they respect us. Also, I noticed that the children when
there is a visitor in the classroom, they change their
behavior and become more troublesome. However, they are
quick to adapt, so I was excited to stay with them.
I noticed in the circle area that there are some rules must be
disciplined by the students. The teacher repeats the rules
with students to remind them, such as, the eyes see, the
ears hear, and my mouth closed. If the teacher notices
misbehavior in the student in the first time, she reminds
them that they will be punished. When student rotated
repeat that, the teacher does not allow them to play with
another student in a playground.
According to Vygotsky's theory is used to decrease or
prevent undesirable behavior. Also, to weakens behavior.
(Learning theories application in nursing education, 2015 )
The thing I did not like is that the teacher does not deal with
the students equality that because there is one student that
their mother is a teacher . For example, in the snack time,
they ate the pie, but who did not take the pie they have to
eat the biscuit. However, that student who a mother is a
teacher asked her to take biscuits; she gave it, and she did
not give the rest of the students when they asked her.

Learning theories application in nursing education. (2015 , Feb 23). Retrieved from National
Center for Biotechnology Information:

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