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Interview Questions

The teacher's name is Amna Suliman AlMarzooqi, she is nearly 40

years old. Teacher Amna said that she now had completed the 19 years
of teaching, and she wait for 20 years to retire next year. I did an
interview with her and question her as follows: -

1 How can you build a relationship with students?

She said that she can build relationships with children by talking
with them and simply question the student about what they did last
night this is the first step in a relationship with them.

How can you communicate with students?

She said that communication is very important even to discover the
nature of the child. Therefore, I communicate with them by solving
problems or if I notice that something is happening to the child.

3 How can you build a relationship with parents?

In education, I do not need to communicate with the child only, but
also with his parents until work on the child develops. Also, make
sure that his parents understand the strengths of their child or
behavior problems. This is the way to build the relationship with
parents by taking care of their child.
4 How can you and administrators engage parents?
If there is a celebration or their child will do something in the
morning assembly. For example, if their child will shows or do
something in morning assembly, I tell parents to come and see.
Also, I invite the children mothers to join in the celebration.
5 How can you communicate with colleagues?
I communicate with colleagues through workshops or if there is one
of the teachers want help. Also, talk about the success of the child
and give ideas about them.

What are some classroom management techniques you use?

I use the reward system to control child behavior. For example, the
teacher put a panel on the wall and put the children's pictures in
the form of circles. When the student be more active or have a
good behavior, she put his picture in the circle. However, when his
behavior falls she removes his picture outside the circle. At the end
of the week, she gives the gift to the student. Also, there are other
techniques, such as, claps and turn off the light.

7 How do children move from one activity to another?

The children move from activity to other by the line for example,
making a line for the girls and a line for the boy. Then, I sing for
them to interact them as not to lose control.

8 What are the basics of your daily routine?

I follow a particular schedule and organize activity so as not to waste
time and time management well. For example, take attendance first,
then read Quran, after that, development of language. Therefore, do all
thing step by step.

9 How do you deal with issues?

I deal with the problems like a simple problem, and I solve it at the
same time. For example, there was one of student not attention to the
lesson, and I remind him about punishment, but he did not listen.
Therefore, I punished him by not let him play with the rest of the
children in the playground.
10 What are your classroom rules?
The rules are something important in a classroom, such us, not to
talk with others while I explain the lesson, and I always reminding
them. Also do not run in the classroom and others rules.

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