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Lesson Plan

Faculty: Mouza Alayyan

Section: 25

Section: 25

Date: 09.03.15

Room: T212

Time: 1:30

1. Please give details of your class; level, number of students.

The students are a level 3 class of approximately 16 students. They are progressing from
Level 2 this semester.
2. What material are you covering in class?

Activites for grammar

Worksheets A3 size with grammar rules.
Worksheets A4 size with full instructions of each activity.
Apps (bookwigdets app/QR reader/box/pages)

3. What are the lesson objectives?

To encourage Learning by Doing by having students work on different tasks realtied

to the grammar topics.
Students will review the grammar topics in groups with their friends. The tasks will
help them for their grammar exam this week.
Students will practice grammar topics including(superlatives/comparative/ used to
be/ modal verbs must/mustnt/should/shouldnt/can/cant)

4. Please outline the activities that will take place (bullet points only).

T will ask Ss to be in groups

T will explain the lesson objectives and give them clear instrucations about the
T will model the activity
T will ask Ss to read the instructions on tables.
T will ask Ss to swap the tables every 10 min to work on different task.
T will ask Ss to screenshot each grammar rule and the completed work.

5. Where does this lesson fit into the timetable/semester teaching plan?
On the Level 3 Work plan, students will have grammar exam on Wednesday(11.3.15).
I will cover all the grammar topics for Teacher A which will be included in the exam.
This is the last class with me before the grammar exam.

6. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the group?

Weak+strong students
Passive knowedge of grammar
Good groups
Like technology

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