D20 - WotC - Forgotten Realms - D&D3.5 - Dragons of Faerûn PDF

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DRAGONS GACTUN Duxczons & Duacons* Camraicn Accessoxr Desionras: Erte L. Boro ako Eytan BERNSTEIN Appimioxat. Dison ox DevEtozewr: Evan Jamison, THOMAS M. Costa, Gzoucr Kaasuos i Epvroas: Ber Garese, Crpr Rice, Kim Mowan ____Eprrixe Mawaaen: Kim Mowan "Desig MANAGER: CHRISTOPHER PERKINS DEvELorMENT Managua: Jussz Decker Sesion Aut Dinector D&D: Stack Loncsraner Director. oF RPG R&D: BILL SLAVICSEK Puopuctios Mawacers: Josn Fiscuma, RANDALL Crews Foxcorren Reais Ant Dirncrors Ryan Sawsaver, Mant Koxowsxy Cover Anrist: Lucio PaRRiLo Inreaiox Awrisrs: ANE Stoxss, DasRKEN, GoxzaLo Fons, Tomas Grouito, Enic M. Gist, Faep Hoover, Howaxp Lyon, WILLIAM O’Connon, Jim Pavetee Gaarinc Dnsicy CaRTogRAPHR Gaaviic Paopucrion SPECIALIST: ANGELIKA Loxorz Inace Teonscian: Travis ADAMS Special THanks: Ep GreEnwoop, Erik THORNTON ee ‘asad oth cgi Denes & Dyas rls cesta by Gary Gat an Dave Ares ante ae: Doxorons 8 Danco game design by Tessa Twec, Monte Goo, Skip Willan, Richard Be, and Peer Akon. “Ths peotst wes pat mitral fom the 3. ovis. Ie designe Fr use wit the Fonaorean Res Campaign Setting by ad Greewond, Sean K Repos Sip Willams, nd Rod Heino. “Ths Winds of he Const gms roduc contsins uo Open Gane Content No pation ofthis work ay be epedics any Frm witout writen permisin. "To lean ne abut the Open Gaming Level the 0 Sytem Lice, plese vt woreda, US, CANADA, Asta, [EUROFEAN HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Hiro UK Led Wins of the Cost Ine Cass Way PO.Box 7 ‘Newport, Gene NPP OYHL Restos, WA 98057 GREAT ERITAIN (aston 800.324.6996 Paap hae ym a 6020-95370720.0 Pe76s 43 suo, 078694923. Fist Printing: Ages 2006 IsHNI5.978.0-7869.39257 Doscrass & Dascoss; DBD, Desstan Maser, Foacorzn Rrativ, 20,20 Srant, Wizatos one Cost, Drepn’f Fer, Mayer Handbek, Dang Maser ide Monster Mansa, all othez Wise the Coast prouet rams; an hi epee logos are ualemashs of Wars of te Cait Ic, in the US.A. ad othe countries "Ths matrix priced wr ho copia ls ofthe United States of Amerka. Any teproduction a wnaathorial we ofthe materi or arvork consid esis probie without te espe wren perninaon of Weare of the Cos, I “Ths peoluer is 2 oe of Bein. Any simlarty ro actual people ogenzaons, plates event is puny einen 2006 Waar ofthe Coast, Lz Pratl in ths US.A 4 Visi aur weit at wrwineacom/orgoten sels / ‘ a Fekete one Bone abc ang bak nae Cghaesth Dist ec Wp ce Se eerie ois Tic Uiegeand Cosh Dagan cia a ae eae canes Prem = ‘Phe Dracorage Campaign «.......--5 3: Tyranny of the Dragon Queen, . ee fee fie ed, Ga eee What You Need to Pay.» 6 “Theske: Land of the Bone Wyrm. oe » 41 True Dragons of the World 7 Life and Soc. Tian History of Dragonkind 7 ‘Majoe Geographical Features . Se SS een errs Toe i alee ; Toiciesee steele) mega ter " ee Dragenfall War eet Eeccenlier Fabia ticSa aj. 9 The Chale Tea ot Ream Drage Qe 9 Sea te Fetil Qges "4 Kein Tce 9 Tear ela ‘ eee ee) ae San ear of Rogue Dragons 9 Conca the Avent Pris ong Geil Ondo Dri Seti Dae foto “moat er Monta: eee Prego Beceetad, er . ‘aco “Gn, ‘The conte See Aecte Ddeseache | Hee ee Arsekaslyx, Sisterhood of Esseribra, oy age ene “Guardian ofthe Wall”,.....0:.38 Talons of Justice 22 Ng METAR) fo ee Tale 30 She ate af Sth 4 erayine Hs Tea : ‘of Dragonblood « “The Terror of Velen” wit “CRatiae Sa ea Cngimnn “Ol Grasioa’ as RST SOF Naeem eee a ae sa MbeAeraatt er aa tee ae Grown of the Death Dr 1s TW Many Sets ROT 8 ote Dt ga ee Tak Beapraice ees Crownring of Tehazzar. “Master of the Mountain ‘Chlorine Haze (CR 8)... pope a ae ‘Olothontor, aga Bie: “The Minsrel Wyn... °S._Protantes, "King of the Toe" ear Moths (CR 4). .c0s0eco0 pale eee rdalaghlotr, Gem Dragon Dat (Ch Vari) Serie ito ci SERRE ewer “Taraunranoamars Shao Slime (CR 7) OF ye ee ee “See. 34 Driganicheed Creer sos gel ks Bee Det Teazay Chika of Tamat13% _” Brngeniloed Saye Oe gener Toxgyn Alsrthmangy Bluse Soe 00 a ee a at “the Ser Fate 40 eatin 106 eee eT Wyrm ofthe North. 42° Redpamn Biter Sreescscnee 208 > Some of Ciba Undead True Dragon sev Spectral Grameen... 109 Ste of Aca ‘Aleteranttos, 6 Dragon Related Spells Bt" Ghacatess Renda oop ee Wr Quick Referee Diamond Scepter of Chom 131 meses ‘New Assasin Spell elm of Supreme Winsnry 1331 / se eR acre 48 Nw lard Bin Major Arias 1am Sepa Oe Menbes Wyna 48 ‘Now Blackguard Spells. -Fangod Shield of Shyk Kocore.... 132 Aah Geta Neh 99” New Cara Spl. “Ghar the Deserts Eigen t of the Dragon 52 New Druid Spells. ye teehee Jibopat no #2 Sephietn St ieee Orginizaton 34 New Sorcee/ianiSpls Monod of Bg «f Dragon Cae Cai 5 pe Spilsby Spelate DC. ‘regal Cal LOSE New Spells.c ces (Moat Calc csanenss 3 Abae Droge Semin Cal ‘geravate sora Wyrmimoke Gls on. Antigen Aura, Gra Follows of the Sealy Way sccsss.S7 Ble Nate Weapon oss Mage f he Cole $8 Chromatic Ray “The Clif of Karta. [38 Congel Brest. ‘Taste of Conrents oe Deacolich Slough (CR 6) Dragon Mold (CR 5} Dragon Dawsing Rod ode gredted wholarof draconie mysteries on the “© Swoord Cos lohed eu coer teats of Bal’s Gate tiward the Sea of Swords and the sting sm, He thnght to bimcelf, Aelita viments peace from the Inceszant cic that keeps yammering atthe back of my stall?” “Maser Velaerif I nay, I bave axotber question abo te Dracorate” spoke abigepitched whine of «vate. “Blast! There its agin Be sighed. With « bach entaled snarl, plastered vaer with «sil the great tage tated arannd tee bis atest apprentice, Balton Qeilfetber, late of Twilight Hal “Ah yes, Maser Baltron, tbat «surprise Tow've been bere, what early a ride nowt And yet we sil haven't bean too Faust yur store of questions, apparently Eda believe P've come te tenerstand why the aie leaders of Thase bs Harp shang te tend yon bere te fertoer seer studies. Please proceed.” “Ae ito thinking te Baldaran oremaster mediately timed out the intricate and thoroughly ivelewant quistion thet filler, peveczing Title more thn a rapid fire burst of igh vtched squccing, Hav many apprentices bad be had axer the Searst Ibe east abet this we that irritated bins st Balirn' ‘nision oes anobleone,treiew and analyze all «salable lie Tegerding the Dracarage se toat the Harpers might know bot to proceed in the face of reports of spreading madnes among the rinen?' great dragons nd ye Usere was something soinsen, fedemandig about Balirot questions tas Vesaert could barely contin bs frasration. Could’ the baksh oung human accept ‘hat Faeries great seyrms siply snecumbed to madaess fiom ime to tome, na mater bow noble they might eteraise be “Area” Veliert sercamed in frustration, rending the soft tees Between bis case nts a Beads pulp, “Get out of my ead?” “Thiybook gives-you everything you need fo make dragons = focal point af your Foncorrex Reatass® campaign, Dragons safe the embodiment of all that is the Duxczows & Deacons" ‘gum, and an epic confrontation with @ powerful dragon is the highpoint of many campaigns. Dragons are an integral part of | life in Faeriin, and their depredations and intrigues play a great role in shaping its history. using this Book “This book is OF benefit to players and DMs who wish to play a dracécentric campaign or even jost a dracocentric character in Faerin, (Chapter 4; True Dragons of the World. This chapter details the history of dragonkind and integrates the Dragonfall War introduced in Races of the Dragan) ito Faertn. Ie then details ‘a sampling of powerful wyrms and their younger kin, focusing ‘on their intrigues and entanglements in recent years (including the Year of Rogue Dragons). DMs ean draw general inspization lr specific foes from this chapter, while players can find draconic patrons and learn what their knowledge of draconic lore has taught chem. Chapter 2 The Cult of the Dragon. This chapter details the Followers of the Scaly Way, legendary creators of Faerin!s powerful dracoliches, who instigated the Rage of Dragons that beset Facntin in the Year of Rogue Dragons (1373 DR). Players of ‘power-hungry evil characters can tie their history tothe Dragon ‘Cult, while DMs can use the group as sinister opponents of good-aligned group, This chapter also includes an adventure for midhevel PCS. ‘Chapter 3 Tyranay of the Dragon Queen. This chapter details the Church of Tiamat, followers of the ascendant Dragon Queen who overthrew the last goi-king of Unther and now seeks to tule the South in his stead. This chapter also updates the state of affairs in Thaeskel nd Unther. Players of dragoo-loving, evil ‘characters can tie their history to the Dragon Queen's faith, while M6 can ose the group as powerful opponents of gooi-aligned group. This chapter also includes a high-level adventure. .- st ‘Chapter 4 Orders of Dragonkind. This chapter details six Aragon focused organizations of varying alignments. Players jean associate their character with groups such as he Blood fof Moruemsé, the Church of Teharzar, the Confluence, Hse ‘Orogoth, the Sisters of Essembra, or the Talons of Justice, while DMs cen use diametrically opposed groups 2s craconic-themed ‘foes, This chapter also summarizes rule for playing some more unorthodox paver character races of the halfragon variety and gives details for those seeking to worship draconic deities _ Chapter $: Dragon Lairs. This chapter details a variety of Aragon-clated challenges, including new dragon-related monsters and traps and hazards commonly encountered in dragon lars Chapter 6: Dragon-Related Spells. This chapter details « ‘variety. cw spells Some arc useful to PCs battling dragons, while others ae useful to DMs pitting dragons against their play ce characters. This chaptcy includes several epic spells as well, including the epic spell responsible forthe Rage of Dragons. Chapter 7: Magic Items. This chapter details new magic to ‘lp characters battle dragonsas wel siting rewards for dragon. slayers who manage to plunder a dragon's hoard. This chapter also artifacts into the modern age Ghapter 8: New Dragons. Here you'll find descriptions of three new dragon varieties—mercury, stl, and mist—presented in the classic Monster Manual format, with statistics and rules text updated tp reflect the ¥3.5 version of the D&D game The pracocentric campaign Dragons can play a central role in a Fonaorres REALMS cam ima varity of fashions. I some oF all of the players are Se rom dragons chs dracon creture, alagons, with certain soreerous bloodlines) or aspire to become pen (by taking the dragon dstipe prestige cas) or serve ‘ne oF more dragons (by taking one of the various prestige lasses feund in Draconenico, by pining & dragon-rled orginizaton, ‘or by simply plodging themselves to serve a particular dragon), the campaign can fevolye around their tics to dragonkind und the conflicts and intrigues hus entailed. “Alternatively dragons are wel suited to play the role of promé jent opponents in a Realms-based campsign. Such campaigns ight focus on a specific, pomerful wyrm such as Iryklathagra, ‘Dragon Qysara of Shoon, and the countless historical threads | the te into her plots and schemes Such campaigns might also focus on « group of dragon-oriented villains such asthe Church cof Tiamat or the Cult ofthe Dragon or 2 dragon clan, such 28 the Blood of Morueme or House Orogoth. ie Rage of pragons oir of the Roque Dragons Wilogy (The Rage, The Rie, of the Depths, his short story "Traitors" n Realm: of the Edzes, and the anthologits Realms of the Dragons and Realms of the Drains [I collectively tell a tale of the greatest peril to all includ 2 dacuson on the consequences of releasing stores Intaopvcrioy pst recat ent hater ae eran? ee ean, Tummands of year eget Brien of. ans aa ve, Grom Wace Fer lela the Tie of the Dr ope eh deka, DHONI, ove all i Se races (“meat”). The elyes in particular chafed under the yoke natal A MAT Pel ts epee hi ser ears Nees ees ore _ Faerin and exterisive debate about the costs and risks, the elves: ered Se TYR Mie a peas lic ot Tepe oA geet a et porch at nee pe toe Wenty Tht pe tpl made impor fr Sepak! ‘to continue its collective dominion of Faerin. The Dracorage mythal caused all dragons (inclading those of type dragon and creatures with the dragonblaod subtype) to become reckless and Pre eae trae ae ee eee ‘cals, and destroying all in their wake, but it also gave the Fair ‘Folk the oppartunity to break free of dragon rulc, marking the denouement of the Reign of Dragons. earch cue dng epee gpe eh aoe teenie alan ie sar toe, the so-called Dracorage cometimes known as the Dragon Rage cor simply the Rage) lays dormant, erupting forth every several ak Cae ie wa eet with the reappearance of the King Killer Star (actually 2 bright red comet that winks li baleful )—to Infect dragons for Pecan cine Tos brary oe sod ten Ga Dosage he “+ torically depended on the astrological position of the King-Killer a Chon seca sds ou ie ote Dacre besa clan, iad toa sre igh of drgue? Te st eel ems cred fe TAT On eh (1356 DR) and resulted in the destruction of cities and deaths of Fae pro He ote eae Cay oid IAC res (pena ARR Ga e F Tan aie ened os 10008 FLA vane steel ll Fert pretatiga ullsown Rage of Dison Ths late Reg of Dragan ited bythe King er Sear occa inthe Tear of the Drage 08D} the Dracorage campaign “The most cent Rage of Bragons ocurred prematurely inthe Year of Roge Dragons (1373 DR) asa result of the manipula sions ofthe mighty ich and leader of the Cul ofthe Dragon, Sammaster, and not the wanderings of the King-Killer Sar cross the heavens. ; “The premature eruption ofthe Dracoage allows DMs ton- trou this coninenespansing event nt campaign st roughly in the curren timoframe. (ther than lx appropriate year | ~ aime, thers lite reson why Semmaster’s Drconage could not TnL yee ee ce Rae Dibhg i that nats eae ayer vain a Dee] snl The Rain) by Richatl Lee Byers as well as Byets’s Qyeen age campaign revolves around « period of aberrant bebavior by. Faerin's greabayems. ike all pviods of transition, «dramatic chang in the stitus quo unleashes a period of change that can) in turn preigtate all manner of adventures. For example, the ———EEE —— Ixraopverion — Grin inane meristexnera what you Need to play Sammaster’s Dracorage, asthe heroes do in the Tear of Rogue Dragons trilogy or they might focus more on the consequences of You ueid.the three D&D core rulebooks—Players Handbook particular dragon awakening from long sleep or abandoningits (PH), Dungeon Master's Guide (DMG), and Monster Marnad sesponsbil: (GMM) —plus the Fosoorren Recatns Campaign Setting (FRCS) tesa it sue and Dracouomizon (Dra) to make the best use of Dragons of cumbs to the Facriin Dracorage, The novel Rucen of the Depths by Richard Lee Byers gives a good example of what this ¢ Dracorage campaign might look like ral other books are referenced hersin. In many eases, this reference isin the form ofa superscript abbre- vation of the book’ conto the end of the name of a spell, jonster, oF some other game clement. The books (ineluding some of those mentioned above) and their abbrevis itl, Which is cacked © of Turning son nen apn ar s follows Book of Ex of the Great alte Deeds (BOED), cycle Bock of Vile Darbnes (BoVD), Complere As discusicd in Chapt Year of Rogue Drago ums in the uaravling ofthe Dracorege mytha an marks the turning of the Great, Gye. Tn the wake of Sm Dracorage (onesunabiy inthe Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR, bt sag the exict fear can be varied a5 agpropriate forthe individual apt norberrer. tains to the great 4, the Arcane (CAt), City of Splenders: Water deep (CS), Champi ens of Valor COV), Dungeon Master's Guide II (OMGD, Epic Leve? Hand book (ELF), Ex panded Psionics Handbook (EPR), Faiths and Pav fheons (FP), Fiend Heroes of Battle (HoB), Libris Mortis (LM), Lords of Darkness LD) Last Empires. of Faerin LE), Lords of Mad- nes (LM), Magic of Faerin (Mag), Monster Manual 11 (MM2), Mor ster Manual II (MINB), ‘Monsters of Faeriin (Mon), Player's Guide to Faeritn (BG), Races of she Dragon (RD), Send- storm (Sas), Serpent Kingdoms (SK), Shiving ‘Sonth SS), Uappraceh- able Fact (Una), and Un derdark (Und Throughout this book, an asterisk (*) enoces a spell, feat, monster, or magic item dleseribed elsewhere in the book. yrs of Faerin reestablishing the Reign of Dragons over the Realms. A post Drscorage dracoventric campaign is focused on what comes next. The PCs ‘might get swept up in the resumption of the Dragonfall War between the fo wamut and the servitors of Tiamat, or they n lowers of B get involved in the machin Alasklerbanbastos or Tehazzar who seeks to carve out fnew kingdom before rivals claim the terri tory for themselves. Re agardles of thei patron or ‘motivation, the PCS might become skilled dragon hbunters, tracking down rival wyrms and eliminating them and the threat they pose ions of a great wyrm such as Under the baleful gae of the King Killer Star, the Rage of Dragons veep one Faerin oatagig aoe TRUE Dra OFTHE WJOR his chapter lays outa history of dragonkind in Facrin, discusses the varied roles played by trae dragons, and details individual dragons, ving and undead, active in Fasrdn today. uistory of pragonkind “Alchougl dragons are powerful, longlived creatures, draconic history is litle known even among the longest lived members of ‘the race. Philosophers have speculated chat che oral tradition of city just ouside the city ezntss. More than 75,000 slaves died 25 result of the battle, for both combatants possessed ancient smagics and a hatred so consuming that they attacked with little thought to their surroundings. Neither combatant gave quarter, despite the qysar’s injuries and TyMathageats shredded. wings. The soldicrs and other witards of the Imperium drove off the Aragon and tended their leader, whose hoastful oaths of vietory ang hollow amid the ravages done to is capital, ‘One year later, in the Year of Shying Eyes (367 DR), Shoon VIT staged his own “Heath” Feigning incapacitation stemming from his ast battle with Sharpfangs, Shoon VII placed his daugh- ter Shannon the throne and mianpulated her into poisoning hee apparcotly infirm father. Secretly immune tothe pobon's effects, the former qysar was fee to rescarch and undergo a transforms ‘on to lichdom three years later. Little is known of his activities in the centuries thac followed except that he eventually became a demilich trapped in the Tome of the Unicorn, a libram of his comm devising. ‘Shon VIPs successor, @ysara Shaani, achieved one notable sucess erly in her reign before the ensuing decline of the Shoon Imperium. When Iyklathagra returned to Shoonach in the Year of Emerald Eyes (371 DR) the dragon’ laughter ater learning of ‘the death of Shoon II cracked the great dome atop the Q ysar’s Palace. Stizani, prepared for the visit of Sharpfangs, offered Iryklathagra a small hoard in gems and magis, including the mastering of Anabl, Aphabar'sbatlcblade ring”, Kuraltear the Demousbield, and two bottles containing a trapped eet ‘and a dj. Aware that the Imperium was erumbling around Shaani end that Shoonach would be ripe for plunder after its collaps, IryKathagga parlayed the offering into a tribute doe once each century by “the inheritar of Calim’s throne?” Under threat of devastating raids, those tributes have been contifined ty Calimshan’spashas through the present day. 2 ‘Taue DRacons oF THE Wop lryklathagra returned to pick over the bones of the Shoos [imperium inthe Year of the Corrie Fst (450 DR) onthe fourth say of the Shoonach Conflagraton, the grat fire sct by Tethyr’s army. Alter a bref talk with King Strohim, the great wyrm blue éragon destroyed and plondered buildings among the Imperial Most above the city proper and claimed much hidden magic for hor own, including Ghar he Deser's Edge, which ha been fabricated with magia lore gleaned from Rhimnasarl’s escarch Many of the treasures Iryklathagra seed were once part of himnasael’s hoard oF had been derived from the lore seized Geom the grea silver dragon by Qysar Shoon IV. (Janhyra’ Tome, also knowy as the Tome of Secret, was one of the few artifacts that lay within the vaults of Shoonach not to fal into her elas, and sho has spent the past nine centuries tracking down it and other treasures she feels are her due) Since the Shoonach Conflagration, Sharpfangs has been true to the vow she made “the litele elfking.” whose conditions are-noe wnlike hee original del with Shoon IV, and she has never used Teehyr 282 hunting ground, For nearly six centuries, Iryklathagea Inired in a secret cavern in the Marching Mountains, emerging at least once cach century to receive the tribute that was her due from the syl-pasha of Calimshan.Littl is known of her activites during the Seventh Age of Calimshan, for she confined her depreda- ‘ious to realms far afcld and largely faded from memory in the former lanls of the Shoon, One deed that has not yet come to light unfolded in the Year of the Shrouded Slayer GG7LDR), when Iryklathagra hantéd amid the grasslands of the Shas, sizing the Faged Shild of Shyk Korort Som a 4gooll shaman of Yeenoghu. In the Year of the Dracorage (1018 DR), Iryklathagra emerged from her Inir and joined the massive lights of dragons ravaging Faerdn, [na series of conflicts that lasted for nearly 4 month, Sharpfangs battled the defenders of Mintar along the shores of the Lake of Steam, devastating that ity and sinking many local ships'in the process. When Teyklathagra finally retreated to her lair, she left Mintar largely in ruins. A fesr surviving magelords, who for years had lahored to acquire ‘pore in the shadows of Mintar’s government, emerged as the new Jeaders of the city by promising to protect the populace from future wyem attacks, Over the course of the next century, the Magelords of Mintar scboilt their city and plotted their revenge against Sharpfangs. Although their magical divinations finally revealed the site of the blue dragon's Isr, plans by the magelords to destroy Iryklathagra ere forestalled by their own defeat at the hands of che Harpers in the Year of the Peryton (1128 DR). In the chaos that ensued in Mintar, the lore regarding Sharpfengs that had been jthered by the magelords fll into ‘inc hands ofthe Skeletal Finger thieves gui a band of rogues active throughout the South, eee: ‘Thirty-four years late, in the Yeer of the Prancing Cen taur (1162 DR}, members of tho Skeletal Finger invaded Tnyklathagga’s lair in hopes of stealing some of her legendary ‘boar bot they suceeded only in awakening the bive wyrm from 4 long sleep. Enraged by their temerity, Sharpfangs retaliated by attacking the Skeletal Finger’ secret redoube in the depths of eee ‘Taur Dracons oF THe Worn SS the Small Teeth and slaying every member of the guild. Sinee her former lair’ inviolability bad been compromised, she then ‘moved into the guiks vacated stronghold, transforming it into a nearly impregnable lir. Among the mauy coins; jewels, and artifacts she recovered was the Monocle of Bagibatos a litl- known relic stcred to Helm that had been fshioned in the Year of Eyes (IL#1 DR) and stolen a year later hy members of the ‘Build, Por the next two centuries, Iryklathagra largely remained within her new lai, hunting far afield on those rare occasions when she emerged—such as her plundering of the trade city of| ‘Oranya in the Triton Protectorate of Allors, deep in the Sea of Fallen Stars, in the Year of the Shattered Wall (1271 DR). Shoon VII resurfaced in the Year of the Prince (1357 DR), when the Tome of the Unicorn was stolen from the Green Rooms ‘of Ruathym by Shond Tharovin, a Calisite wizard, Unlike those who precede him, Shond managed ro both surnmon Son's sll from the Time anc communicate with the sprit of the former aqysar. As part of a deal stack between them, Shond agreed to find seven spirits for the demilich to consume. The first such attempt came a year later daring the Time of Troubles. The ‘magical chaos engendered by the Fall of the Gods caused Shoon| VIE to switch corporeal forms with Zallanora Argentrsses, an elf mageling whose caravan was ambushed by Shond Tharovin and his agents. After is release, Shoon VII (in ehe form of Zallanots) joined the Covled Wizards of Amn, using his new guise to gather lore'on the changes that have occurred snee the collapsé of the Shoon Imperium In the Year of the Gauntlet (1369 DR), Tryhlathagea emerged from her Iir with a ravenous hunger after a century of inactivity. By chance, the blue wyrm’s appearance followed the birth of a clutch of three bronze dragons within the same ‘mountain range by just over a year. Savoring the possiilty of a are culinary erat, ryMathagra waited until Arellaxerrontoal, the mature adult mother of the hatchlings and more powerful ‘of the mated pai, emerged from her family’s lair tinrough the crater of an extinct voleano two peaks cast of Kossuth’s Eyes ‘The blue wyrm then attacked Trllishanthallor and his offspring in their lair, killing the adult male bronze dragon and two of the hatchlings before returning to her lair to dine on the bodies of| the latter. The third hatchling, Alaerurrgos, managed to escape, albeit badly wounded, and she now duels in the relative safety of the centaur settlement in central Tethir, under the tutelage and protection of Count Gamalon ogy, Sage ofthe Court of “Tethys. Arella dwells among the Suldusk elves, plotting a esld revenge against Sharpfangs ‘On Midsummer in the Year of the Unstrung Harp (137L DR), Iryklatagra emerged from her li long énough toretrieve her centennial tribute from the sykpasha of Calimshan. Slaves of the syl.pasha brought a hing’ ransom in coins, jewels, art and ‘magic to che waiting wyrm at the heat of ruins Shoonach. As isher custom, Sharpfang dined well tae day and thea vanished with the latest adltion to her hoard. Few expected to se her again for another century. uw Jalanvaloss, “rhe wyrm of Many spells” TEN fomale mature adult steel” dragon ‘Te Wyrin of Many Spells dev eniveshed in the slimes of Watereeps merchant nobility Tn drsconic form, Jalanvaloss i long and sleck with calke ace. The spines that surround he fae resemble whiskers and Tong, straight bir. Her eyes ae silver ors, and her seals shine Uke burnished ste Hoard In ic of a trtional hoard of eas, gems and magic, the Wyrm of Many Spells owns or partly ovis several shops in Waterdeep’ Southeen Ward, Trades Ward, sind Dock Ward, {ncading the House of Prie perfume shop (D33), Metoeh’s Fine Silks (T35), and the Swords’ Rest (SL). She owns the buildings snd rents the premises to various merchants, generating a steady stream of income. ll these buildings are erouned with one or to floor of renal apartments, which generate more income. The ‘Wyrm of Many Spells also owns several houses full of gentel rental rooms in Sea Wand and North Ward including Piresong ‘Villa (N76) and Stagdown Manse ($69). Laie: Jakunvalss rents various upper-loor rooms all. over the ety, std at last two of those she owns —the House of Pride anid Meiroth’s Fine Sils—incorporate secret apartments (rooms stained by Jalanalos bersl, which have heir own entry stains linking to cetlars—ane hens, to nearby stable or the seers) Site customarily assumes differen homan shape when visiting tne bade than she wees for dealings with another. Shei known to fave at least one secret cache somewhere in the sewers and another in a spell guarded tomb somewhere in the City of the ‘Dead that contain noting but lching, makeup, and acessories ‘that allow her to change one human Mdersiy fof another. Tis hard to sy which of heF various Waterdhavian properties i her ‘rue lair, Jalaavaloss has even been known to curl up fora est