Task 7

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Ayesha Hassan Al Ali.

Day 7 Tuesday, November 10th 2015

Classroom rules
Identify the classroom rules and identify how these rules are being
reinforced during the school day
Note any opportunities to teach these rules or write your ideas on how
to teach these rules (see Table 4 at end of this document for example)
Classroom rules

Opportunities to teach these rules

(both observed and ideas of your own)

1.Be quiet.

2.Finish your food.

3.Put materials back in


-When they are in the circle time. The teacher

wants to start the lesson, she sits and looks at
the children, and they know that they have to sit
-While students get so noisy while playing in the
centers. The teacher closes the light to grab their
attention to tell them that they have to be quiet.
-If the teacher would make students mention the
classroom rules every day in the morning routine
while sitting in the circle time so, they do not
-Before eating the teacher tells the students that
they have to finish their food.
-If they did not finish their food, she tells them
that she will not let them go and play unless they
finish their food.
-Sometimes the food might be too much for the
child, and he cannot finish it.If the teacher
divides the sandwiches into smaller pieces to
make everyone eat as much as he wants without
wasting food.
-After the students play and it is time for lunch
the teacher closes the light to get the attention
of the whole class and tells them to clean up.
-The teacher sings with the students a song
about cleaning up, so they feel excited and sing
with her and put the materials back in their
-If the teacher has a bell to ring it for the
students to know that it is time for cleaning up or
she assigns groups of students for every center
to be responsible of and clean it up.

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