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Ayesha Hassan Al Ali.

Day 10 - Tuesday, December 1st, 2015

Assessment of Pupils Progress

Assessing students work
Observe and record strategies used by the teacher to assess
1. How did the teacher monitor classroom activities?
The teacher could monitor the activities by planning before she starts the
lesson. She managed the time for each activity and what can she change if
her students felt bored and didnt like the task she is giving them. She can
switch to another activity that would make them interested without messing
up the information she needs to deliver to her students.
2. What sort of designated assessment tasks are integrated within
The teacher uses activities and worksheets and she models them in front of
the students to make them understand and she also gives them an example
to make sure that she gave them all of the instructions they need.
3. How does s/he assess the learning during the lesson?
She assesses learning using worksheets and tasks and asking them questions
about the lesson to make sure that they are understanding.
4. How did s/he give feedback to facilitate learning?
If the student needed more time to do the task she can wait until he finishes
or she sends him to her assistant to help him finish the task. She can also
motivate her students and give them compliments as a reinforcement to
make them motivated to do more and learn.
5. Did s/he give homework?
The teacher gives homework but not every day. She gives homework if she
finished the lesson because she wants to gather all of the information to make
the child understand it. But she only gives them small homework because
they can do most of them at the school.
6. Which of these strategies would you use/not use? Why?
I would praise my students the whole time because I want them to be
motivated and active with me in the classroom because we can learn more. I
would also assess them during the lesson by a worksheet or an activity or
even asking them to make sure that they understand the lesson and we can

move to another lesson. However, I will not give my student homework

because we can do them at school. We dont need to send them home with
the students and some of their parents dont know about the way that the
teacher uses in teaching so it might mix the information on the child.
7. Was there anything that could have been done differently?
The teacher could assess the students using some applications in the Ipad
because it would be exciting for them more than using the paper. She can use
some apps like Otus to involve the whole classroom or even give them
different assessments to know their progress.
8. What surprised you?
I was surprised when the teacher could manage to make all the students eat
their food even when they didnt like it by telling them that it is nice and they
would grow bigger when they will eat it and she could make them eat.
9. What shocked you?
I was shocked when I came in the class and two students were hiding under
the table and another student told me that they are under the table because
they are drinking juice and they dont want their teacher to see them because
she will punish them.

What delighted you
I was delighted when a students mother came in the classroom and she was
having a cake with her and she said that she made a cake with the letter that
they are learning. The teacher started showing the students the cake and
they were all happy with it.

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