Reflection 4

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Ayesha Hassan Al Ali.

Reflection four.
On my last day in the observation, a students mother came into the class
after the morning assembly. She brought a cake with her that has the letter
they are learning. I liked how mothers involve in the classroom environment.
The teacher didnt talk with her a lot because the lessons time has begun
and she should not waste any time. The teacher showed the cake to the
students and thanked the mother and then she started her lesson.
Aldarari kindergarten had some workshops done by the teachers for the
students. They started the day normally and had the circle time. After that,
they gathered three classrooms in the theatre to have the workshop which
was about making a robot. The teacher introduced the topic for the students
when they were in the circle time before they go to the theatre. To make
them understand and know what will they do. The students got bored
because they told them to sit and they stayed sitting and they didnt do
anything. I think that if the teachers could prepare the place for the students
before theyve come in so they wont feel bored and start being noisy.
I didnt like that the teachers left some of the students and took only three or
four from each class. The teachers should have managed to have activities
that are suitable for all of the students and they should make them all
involved in the activities. But on the other hand, they did develop some of
the students interests. According to John Dewey, the teacher should be able
to develop students interests and work on ways that would match the age
and the stage of the development of the child(, 2015).
The teachers did have two kinds of activities which were coloring and
creating a robot.

Reference:, (2015). John Dewey. Retrieved 2 December 2015,

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