Epsy 2130 Fall 2015 Syllabus

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Exploring Teaching and Learning

EPSY 2130
The University of Georgia
Spring 2016
Tuesday and Thursday 9:30-10:45
Aderhold 114
Instructor: Ms. Sarah Marie Catalana
Office: Aderhold 126A
Email: smcat@uga.edu
Office Hours: By appointment
Course Description
Exploration of key aspects of learning and teaching through examining your own learning processes and those
of others, with the goal of applying your knowledge to enhance the learning of all students in a variety of
educational settings and contexts. Course includes a 10-hour field experience that is arranged by the individual
Required Texts:
Woolfolk, A. (2014). Educational Psychology (12th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN:
Other readings as assigned.
Course Topics:
This course is an introductory course to the psychology behind teaching. The course topics meet the
requirements specified by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents and are consistent with
credentialing requirements specified by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission for those pursuing
teaching certification. Broadly, this course is also applicable to other disciplines in that the psychological
principles embedded within the course provide a foundation to all content areas where teaching and learning
occur. In addition, other core and foundational topics are included in course readings, class experiences, and
eLearning Commons:
eLearning Commons (eLC) is an online course environment where you can download digital versions of
course materials. Your name and email will be automatically added to the eLC course site. You can access
eLearningCommons by going to https://uga.view.usg.edu/ and signing in with your UGA MyID and password.
Academic Honesty:
All academic work must meet the standards contained in A Culture of Honesty. Students are responsible for
informing themselves about those standards before performing any academic work. The link to more detailed
information about academic honesty can be found at: http://www.uga.edu/ovpi/honesty/acadhon.htm.
Special Needs: Students who need accommodations for special learning needs are encouraged to consult the
instructor as soon as possible.

Attendance: Students who miss class for an unexcused reason are not permitted to make up any assignments or
assessments given during that absence. Accommodations for students who have excused absences will be
worked out on an individual basis with the instructor.
Cell Phones and Laptops: Cell phones or any other electronic devices are not permitted in class, unless they
are used for educational purposes (and yes, we will do that!). While convenient, these devices disrupt the
learning processes of other students in the class. Students who use laptop computers to take notes are welcome
to do so; however, checking of email or web searching is not permitted.
Late Work Policy: Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the specified due date. Please note that I
do not accept electronic submissions; all assignments must be printed and handed in. Assignments can be
turned in for late credit (20 points deducted) by 5:00 p.m. on the due date, in my office.
Religious Observances: The University of Georgia recognizes students rights to engage in religious practice.
Students who will miss class to observe religious activities must contact the instructors prior to the observance
and make arrangements to complete missing assignments or assessments.
Daily Quizzes: Each class will begin with a quiz (in various formats) over the material from the assigned
reading, as well as material from the previous class session. YES the quizzes will contain questions from
assigned readings, even if we have not discussed the material yet . Students complete these quizzes the first
15 minutes of the class. [25% of final grade]
Examinations: Two mass examinations will take place across the semester and will be held in the evening from
6:00-8:00 p.m. on September 24 and October 29. Each examination will cover the material presented in class
for the previous five weeks. All students are expected to attend these examination sections with the only
allowance made for alternate examinations to be attendance in another university course. The final examination
will take place during finals week according to the university calendar and that assessment will cover the final 5
weeks of the course. [15% of final grade]
Class Activities/In Class Discussions: To apply the material in class, across the semester your instructor will
engage you and your classmates in a number of in-class activities. These activities will be designed by your
instructor and may not be the same activities used in other sections of the course. The activities are designed to
extend your learning and for transfer of knowledge to applied problems [15% of final grade].
Checkpoint Flipgrid Reports: Students will complete five verbal reflection assignments utilizing Flipgrid, an
online application through which individuals record their reactions to specific prompts and experiences. These
responses will be graded on professionalism, timeliness, informed analysis, and evidence towards critical
reflection. The grading process for these checkpoints will be discussed in detail [15% of final grade].
Final Meta-Reflection Paper: The University System Board of Regents requires a 10-hour field experience in
this course. The individual student must arrange this field experience. The placement must present an
opportunity for students to become directly involved in an educational setting, through experiences such as
tutoring, coaching, co-teaching, or mentoring. Students should select a field experience site and provide
documentation about the 10 hours of fieldwork. For example, if you choose to tutor an elementary-aged student,
please provide a log of your hours and ask the parent of the child you tutored to sign the log. If you are working
with an after-school program or a community-based program, the person who oversees your work can sign your
log. Throughout the semester, students will reflect upon their experiences through Flipgrid checkpoints, as well
as additional class activities. The final paper is an in-depth analysis of these reflections, which references
content and theory discussed in class, and demonstrates an improved understanding of the nature of learning

and teaching. Students will turn in two working drafts of the paper throughout the semester. Specific
instructions regarding this paper will be further discussed in detail [30% of grade].

Course Readings


January 11-15
January 18-22
January 25-29


February 1-5
9 and 10
February 8-12

Course introduction
Learning, teaching, and educational
Cognitive development
Cognitive views of learning
Complex cognitive processes; The
learning sciences and
The self, social, and moral

Miller Learning Center Room 101
February 15-19
February 22-26
February 29-March 4
March 7-11
Spring Break!
March 14-18

1 Billion

Behavioral views of learning

Behavioral views of learning
Social cognitive views of learning
and motivation
Beaches and not-school things
Motivation in learning and teaching

South Journalism Auditorium
March 21-25
March 28-April 1
April 4-8
April 11-15
April 18-22
April 25-29
May 5

Learner differences and learning

Language development, language
5 and 6
diversity, and immigrant education;
Culture and diversity
Creating learning environments
Teaching every student
Classroom assessment, grading,
and standardized testing
Classroom assessment, grading,
and standardized testing
Final Examination, 8:00 a.m. in OUR NORMAL CLASSROOM


Source of Evaluation


w X score

Daily Quizzes


Examination #1


Examination #2


Final Examination


Class Activities




Field Experience





Course Grade = (w X score) / 10

Final Course Grade Metric

61 or below


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