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Since 2004

2025 Zombie Outbreak

McDonough has
contacted several
authorities to conduct a
search for Becker.
McDonough states I am
very sorry and now on the
proper supervision will be
monitored much better.
Since the escape
there have been thirty two
new cases of infected
individuals, the largest
Panic has broken out in New number in three years,
York City. Early Tuesday morning spanning three boroughs.
at 3am, a young man named David Citizens are fearing a
Becker escaped from the zombie repeat of the 2019
outbreak that decimated
ward at Jamesville Hospital
the populations of the
downtown. David is carrying the
highly infectious Human Zombism West Coast. Social media
accounts are beginning to
Virus (HZV) accoring to Hugo
Pecos. The virus is transmitted by document small scale riots
bodily fluids. The fluids may shared in Brooklyn and Queens.
Local law enforcement
from human to human contact or
human to animal contact. The host have been called along
with the national guard to
animals carrying this infectious
virus are the Brown Haired Rat and prevent property loss and
civilian deaths.
Hard Tick.
After the escape,Outbreak
Following the escape, an
Watcher issued an state of
interview conducted by Focus
emergency for the
Today interviews the ward
supervisor Andrew McDonough. following states;
The interview provided information Massachusetts, Vermont,
involving Beckers
escape.McDonough explained how Pennsylvania, and New
Jersey. The alerts warns
Becker was improperly
residents of the following
supervised. He later explained
states to take
how Becker used medical
equipment to breakthrough a

caution when out in

public. Residents
should be on alert
for any humans
showing symptoms
such as foaming at
the mouth, pale skin,
and blisters, as well
as any visible
abrasions. They
should also beware
of the host animals
the Brown Hair Rat
and Hard Tick.
In order to
survive this zombie
outbreak it is
recommended to
take the safest
survival route,
isolation. It is
imperative to find a
location with ample
shelter, water, food
and other supplies
because the duration
of the outbreak is
unknown. To ensure
safety, finding a
shelter inside to
barricade the
windows and doors
is crucial.

Pecos, Hugo. "The Science of Zombism." N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Nov.
Randy, Mike. Zombie Outbreak Alert., Web. 17 July
Johnson, Kayla. Andrew McDonough Speaks Out. 15 July
2025. Web.
Zombie Panic. Web. 20 Nov 2025.
Zombie Crowd. Web. 20 Nov 2025.

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