Final Conversation

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Jason 1

Gabriel Jason
Professor Blandford
URWT 1103 006
9 December 2015
Final Conversation
Growing up I spent a lot of time reading book, playing music, and arts and crafts. Many
of the books I read were mystery of action. A lot of the action books involved a war or people
fighting. Also, about spies and secrets though. I guess I can say war has interested me all of my
life. Both the action and the secrecy of it. So when deciding on a topic for my paper I
automatically started looking for something a little more action packed. I started off with
religious extremist which led to the idea of the crusades and then to the War on Terror. Trying to
decide what exactly about the War on Terror I wanted to understand was a bit harder. Even with a
strong interest in war and government agencies I identify as a pacifist so I knew right away that I
would be trying to understand a pro war identity. That category is broad but I narrowed it down
to the politicians. To try to understand the politicians that declared the War on Terror the
questions I am asking through my research would be: What are congresss motives? What is
considered patriotic? What was the cost to them? Was declaring war the best option? Do they
believe the war is just?
I knew that the War on Terror was declared as an answer to the attacks on 9/11.
Something I learned was the vote for authorization for use of military force was almost
unanimous. In the house the vote was 420 ayes, 1 nay, and 10 not voting. In the Senate it was 98
ayes and 2 not present/not voting (Authorization for Use of Military). That is very impressive
although Im not surprised. It makes sense as thousands of civilians had just died a few days ago

Jason 3
in savage attacks. Im sure everybody felt the need to act. Since the Taliban did not respond to
Bushs ultimatum of releasing Bin Laden and end support of Al Qaida they began bombing the
Northern Alliance beginning the War on Terror (George W. Bush).

Jason 3
Works Cited
"Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists." Wikipedia. N.p., 20 Nov. 2015.
Web. 8 Dec. 2015.
"George W. Bush - Responding to Terrorism." Profiles of U.S. Presidents. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec.

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