Day 3

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Day 3 - Tuesday, October 13th 2015

Lesson Presentation
Learning activities
Complete the following table and answer the questions below
Types of activity the
Describe what they were doing for each
students were engaged activity if it was used in the class
Whole class activities
-mark on the board for
todays letter.

-Wrote a letter (s) on

their faces.

The teacher show them some variant

letters on the board. And they must
mark it on the letter of the day and
know the diffreance between the
capital and small letter. Also they
mark the letter with images that
related to the letter.

Bfore the class end she draw on

their faces a letter (s) because the
lesson was about it. She saidshe did
that to remember the letter and
they also can choose the color that
they love and I think it is a good
way to make sure they will not
forget whay they learn today.

She gave each two students a

worsheet to discuss and solve some
questions that related to the today`s
lesson and it contain the images and
words starts with the lesson`s letter
and they must connect the images
to the right word.

She did this activities to make sure

if they can pronounce the letter and
know their ablities to search for the
names that start with letter (s).

Small group/paired
-each two sit together
and solve a

-each group choose

one that his name
start with letter (s).

Independent activities

-write the letter of the

day on paper and
color it.

-present a poster

Me and my friend Fatima, we have

help the teacher to do a small
independent activity. Firstly, we
choose every four atudents were
attentive and quiet with the teacher,
Then we pick them to sit on the
table and help them how to write
the letter by passing on it with

Most of them were bring a posters

for the lesson. Then the theacher
choose those who bring posters to
explained to their friends.

1 How does the teacher make sure the students are prepared
for the day?
-Some students bring posters that related for today`s lesson.
2 How many tasks do they complete in one hour?
-Actually, they did many different activities that related to the lesson.
Maybe they did more than 5 I guess.
3 Did the teacher use a variety of different types of learning
-Yes, she used different types to learn them such as video, games,
posters and cartoons.
4 What materials did they use?
-cards about litters and pictures
-show them a presentation
-colors and papers
5 Were the instructions, explanations and questions clear and
appropriate for the students needs? Give examples.

-The teacher was wishful with the special need student to get the
information or lesson. For instance, she was speak loud and repeat the
information to make sure he got it. Also, she tell him to share his
answer on the board and they attention to him cause as I saw in the
half of the class he went to other teacher that care special for special
need students.
6 What strategies did the teacher use to ensure the students
understood what they are about to do?
-She instructed students to use specific hand signals when they heard
repetitive sentences and repeat it out loud. This engaged students,
assured that they were following her. And allowed the teacher to check
that all students heard and understood.
7 How does s/he make sure all students are involved and
-She tell them to come to the board and she will show them pictures to
match it with letters.
8 What signals can you identify that the children have had
-They can show the teacher they are feeling frustration by hit their
friends and do not pay attention with the teacher and kicking with his
9 What signals do children show that indicate they are proud of
their achievement or disappointed?
-When did an achievement work they want all of his friends to see that
and show them he did well.
10 How do children demonstrate their frustration?
-I think when he had enough and dont want to study anymore, like
he wants to go to the toilet or to the play area or anything that may do
not pay attention with the teacher.
11 Do the children observe others?
-Yes, they observed some of students try to do what their friends did to
get the same mark they got.
12 Do the children interact with another child during the task?
-Yes, some of them were interacted with their friends they want to
answer instead of their friends and solve their works with them too.
13 What do they say or do while completing the tasks?
-Some of them do not pay attention to the teacher while they complete
their tasks or play
with their friends and that lead to not focus
with their work.

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